your task was nearly impossible, but Theresa May has set the Brexit much too quickly and without Distress, says Annette Dittert . Back to a deeply divided country to stay in one of its biggest crises.

And at the end she then cried. Theresa Mays farewell this morning was painful to see. According to Thatcher, she is the second female Prime Minister, who leaves the office in tears. Nevertheless, pity no-one should have with her. May has failed all along the line. And to blame you is Essentially.

Yes, you stand from the beginning before an almost unsolvable task. The Brexit is not feasible without the country economic harm. But the way, how May this task is addressed, has worsened the Situation in the UK dramatically. At least since the spectacular Failure of their Deals in December, you Hold on to it was just a pointless game on time, without Vision and direction. She was “a bloody difficult woman,” she explained proudly to the press and trying to Thatcher’s legacy as the “Iron Lady” of the year. But where Thatcher’s stubbornness with a pragmatic sense of the Possible, that came along had the of Theresa May with reason soon not have much in common.

May article 50 and, thus, the exit process is not started at a time when you still knew where the journey should go and how to get to the Brexit could ever negotiate. You that was before the Referendum for remaining in the EU, and threw himself after her assumption of office in 2016 in the arms of the Ultra-Brexiteers, as they believed, their party is the only way to stay in Power.

Not too quickly

set to please the right-wing populist wing of their party, made them out of the Referendum, all too willing a vote for a return to the English nationalism. From the variety of motifs you identified the anti-immigrant mood in the country as the main subject, and declared that the control of the borders at any cost the will of the people. The outcome of the referendum had a lot of reasons, most of which had to do with the EU bit. In their Interpretation, but the end of the free movement of workers, the night became a Central motif of the Brexit vote, and thus they set too quickly and without the Need to leave the single market.

Because the one is not without the other. 2017 finally, they called new elections, which ended with the loss of their majority in the Parliament. By now you May party would have to cross-promote for a solution, in order to preserve the country from that disaster, the British control now. But a cooperative management style, their cause was not. Instead, they used the horror scenario of a “No Deal”, in order to force the MP on Board of your Deals. Instead, they split the country even deeper by providing the nationalist slogans of the right edge of their party in the centre of their rhetoric.

Brussels is no other Deal

times like these need political leaders who can, with humility, charm, and persuasiveness of your country to negotiate. May had none of these features. Instead, she just repeated again and again, your forever the same Mantra, like a faulty robot, until at the end of your party to shut off the power. And May was right in one respect: Brussels will have to negotiate any other Deal more, and the island threatens to break it. What comes now, a new Tory party leader and Prime Minister, will bring the country on a collision course. He is expected to lead to the unhappy situation, even closer to the cliff of a chaotic Brexits approach, as the May wanted to the car.

But that it may now actually come so far, she has attributed to himself. May himself has passed through the sad stubbornness of the extent of this largest crisis in the Kingdom, only brought.