His new Job, so much can already now say, will be no picnic. On 1. July Helmut Eichhorn-in-chief of the national collective bargaining organization, CH-direct. In this panel, the approximately 250 companies in the public traffic are connected, prices and assortments ausgejasst and other rules of the game. How inharmonious it can here, to and fro, was now, since the plans for a price increase in the General subscription (GA) became up to 10 percent of the public.
in the face of fierce audience criticism the SBB views were that they were actually not interested in any price increase. What would correspond only to the Credo from the CEO of the SBB, Andreas Meyer , speaking of long-term against increases in the price of public transport.
The large cantonal Mitjasser such as the Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) were, however, by a look, a GA-price increase was necessary, in order to have more flexibility in pricing, namely upwards. But in the case of the transport authorities can only enforce if the competing GA less attractive, i.e. more expensive.
Red and Blue
Of the currently 494’000′ commercial ‘ GA-client. According to CH-direct received in the last 12 months, with 13’000 new customers, an increase of 2.7 percent, “which highlights the attractive price-performance ratio of the product”, such as CH-writes direct. “Commercial” means that the clients paid for the GA itself.
And here is for the public TRANSPORT sector is another Problem. In addition to the approximately 500’000 customers 100’000 GA-owner have to pay nothing or a fraction of the GA-price, in fact. They belong to the customers “driving advantage personnel” (FVP). If in peak times the passengers of the Near – and long-distance trains in the 1. and 2. Class storms are the commercial customers of the red cards, the FVP of the blue, old GA maps visible.
Depending on the route, the “Blue can account for” a quarter up to half of the passengers, such as train attendants to confirm on request. About half of the “Blue” are the SBB employees and their families.
in addition to the SBB prof animals 259 other businesses in the public TRANSPORT environment.
Because the topic is delicate, stopped SBB and the Association public transport (VÖV), the Numbers under lock and key. This spring, the “Sunday paper” – made having regard to the public law – the extent of public. In addition to the SBB prof animals 259 other businesses in the public TRANSPORT environment of this possibility. The Figures were from the year 2017. The value of the reduced GA travelcard: CHF 380 million. For the employees free or at least discounted GA is a salary in addition to performance, you need to pay tax on 30 per cent, as the VÖV explained on request.
By the extent of the user’s circle was, apparently, surprised even the Federal office for transport (BAV). The Tricky thing is: In the highly subsidised regional passenger traffic, the discount rates need to the company is correct in the account and not as revenue losses to the Tax payer be burdened with. Last December, the authority directed the PUBLIC utility companies, to check the thing.
clean settled?
The clarification is whether clean was settled, is not easy. On 8. May, representatives of the BAV, and of VÖV/CH-direct met. The Association and the collective organization have been reminded again of the evidence of the correct billing and asked to check the in the last few years, escalating circle of the FVP-Eligible. The date was “summer”, to hear how the BAV is.
The high number of discounted GA for the SBB and co. otherwise a horse’s foot: increases the “commercial” customers with price asked to pay, must also be the FVP more expensive, which is reflected in the public TRANSPORT companies in higher costs.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 19.05.2019, 19:15 PM