Genk Where is the party! In the town square of Genk, for the second day in a row, more than 7,000 supporters for a memorable and exuberant titelfeest to build. The players were real heroes caught up. In an open bus took them under escort of the police, and at a snail’s pace a small tour through the centre of the city. A few thousands of fans cheered their idols. “I’ve seen the past night, but four hours of bed seen”, says Tille Leirnout from Zutendaal, one of the fans along the route . “There’s still so much adrenaline in my body that I still hours can keep partying. And with me very the blue and white legion.”
VIDEO. Thousands of Genk supporters worry for a second day in a row for a stunning kampioenenfeest
Vierde Nederlanders maakt driekwart van vliegreizen
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