When it comes round to the Bernese riding school to the rampage, is often unclear why the conflict is escalating. Radical left-wing groups and the police give each other the blame for the riot. Not so this Saturday night. More than 30 black-Masked began at 0.30 o’clock, to build barricades and to light. It burned under the railway bridge, at the hangman’s brünnli and also on the Matt street Protect.

(A reader reporter filmed the burning barricades. Source: reader reporter 20 minutes)

The party operating on the protect Mat will continue to run meanwhile. Then a long time nothing happens. It seems that would have to be bored to start the Masked men, as the “Federal” provides on-the-spot fixed. But then, about three quarters of an hour later, the police. However, without a large impact force.

the 30 police officers tried to evacuate from the direction of Hodler road to a barricade. They use tear gas. The officials fail, however, strong opposition to the Masked, attacking police officers with laser pointers, and fireworks. The rioters seem well prepared, you are wearing protective goggles and helmets, and move only in groups. The officials need to pull back.

The rioters are of the drug a focal point, a further barricade. Right next to the railway bridge have caught some cars on fire.

The riding school calls your visitors, meanwhile, to be quiet. The short message service Twitter, the cultural centre be informed about, that party guests had been brought from the forecourt into the Large hall.

at 4 o clock seems to calm down the Situation. But not because the police advanced, but because the Masked men moved back. After the burning barricades, the wood and the plastic will extinguish containers are simply burned down. Some onlookers even begin to draw up coated iron grid on the page. This has met with a different Echo: “Super guys,” says one of the passes. Other shake of the head. The traffic is still diverted to the other side. Also on Sunday morning clearance work is in progress.

On request, can provide the cantonal police on the Sunday morning little bit of information. Only that a larger use in the Gang war and the police officers were attacked when they Arrive immediately with “bricks, bottles and Laser”. A more comprehensive opinion by the police in the course of Sunday, the prospect of. (spr/awb)

Created: 19.05.2019, 03:17 PM