It was the host of the show Busy German as in his talk-show ”Busy Tonight,” defended the right of women to ”together with their doctor decide what is best for their health”.

” Statistics show that one out of four women will have undergone an abortion before age 45. The statistics are a surprise, sometimes people, and maybe you are sitting there thinking ”I know of no woman who would do the abortion. Well, you know me Well, you know me”), said the Busy German of the program last week, a clip has been posted on Youtube.

the German then told emotional about how she underwent an abortion at the age of 15.

one of the employees to the German #YouKnowMe would be a good hashtagg to influence in the matter, and some time afterwards – when the news came that another state passed a law in order to undermine the aborträtten in the united states – said the Busy German ”run!” and gave the go-ahead for the launch of #YouKnowMe, ” she says in an interview in the New York Times.

Read more: Missouri has voted for tougher abortlagar

Now, several thousand women shared their abortberättelser under the hashtag.

among other things, that she wanted to break the taboo, which is to tell about the abortions they had undergone, and that she prior to his application read about an 11-year-old girl in Ohio who are raped, become pregnant and who will be forced to complete the pregnancy.

” I have a daughter the same age. I was nauseous when I thought about it, where the child’s horror. To the men in positions of responsibility decided that the collection of cells is worth more than the one in which the child defies all logic, ” she says to the newspaper.

Under the #YouKnowMe on Twitter tells the women on their and related parties ‘ abortions, and the support of others who have done abortion. Some also question that women should be forced to share the difficult experiences just to be taken seriously and be able to determine its own health.

Read more: Alabama to criminalize abortion