the Woman Bwalya Sørensen, who last year notified Rasmus Paludan of racism, have experienced increasing harassment from the firm-redecorate.

on Sunday, he demonstrated at her home. Now she has received the robbery alarm, and applied for a restraining order. It writes Berlingske.

Bwalya Sørensen is the founder of the Danish branch of the movement, ‘Black Lives Matter’.

She declared last year Rasmus Paludan for racism because of a video that was shot in front of her home in Alberta.

Paludan was 5. april sentenced 14 days imprisonment at the Court in Glostrup for a derogatory comment about black people, where he also talked about Bwalya Sørensen. Paludan has appealed against the judgment.

After the verdict had Bwalya Sørensen hoped that the trial would be the end of what she has experienced as several years of harassment.

contrary to her expectation, saw Bwalya Sørensen, to the harassment escalated.

the Same day, as the verdict was called Rasmus Paludan to her, and said, that he was a journalist on the media Freedom to Vote.

He informed that the firm in the near future would demonstrate by the way in Albertslund, where Bwalya Sørensen live.

the Same evening stood Paludan suddenly with a camera in front of Bwalya Sørensen’s home in Albertslund. He recorded a video where he mentions Black Lives Matter and Bwalya Sørensen.

She felt not comfortable to be at home and then called the police and has subsequently received a robbery alarm. She has also applied for a restraining order, but still waiting for a decision.

the Rasmus Paludan reject, that he should harass Bwalya Sørensen. He points out to the Telegraph that there has been talk about the legal and notified the demonstrations in Albertslund.

Redecorate explains that he was going to have to call Bwalya Sørensen after the trial, because he in an article on its own onlinemedie, Freedom to Vote, would mention her.

the Rasmus Paludan says in addition to Berlingske that he is indifferent to the Bwalya Sørensen has perceived his behavior as threatening. He thinks that “she is a raving crazy” and “a very disagreeable man.”

Paludan calls the “raving crazy”, that Bwalya Sørensen has received a robbery alarm and believe that it is a waste of police resources, she has requested a restraining order.