IN the DN published in 2018, a total of 2.416 articles on climate in the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet was written during the same period 2.076 klimattexter – followed by Sydsvenskan, Göteborgs-Posten and Helsingborgs Dagblad. It is the first time DN tops the list.
” We have clearly pointed out climate change, sustainability, and transition as the priority areas for the DN to monitor. It should be done from a broad and knowledge-based perspective. It may impact in a study like this is of course a great proof for us, ” says DN’s editor-in-chief Caspar Opitz.
Behind the investigation is the Swedish assistance organization Vi-skogen, which cooperates with medieanalysföretaget Retriever. We-the forest holding, inter alia, on the planting of trees, and has, according to own data, contributed to well over 100 million trees have been planted. The current investigation is called ”a Warmer climate – ice-cold news?” and has been conducted annually since 2014.
The biggest change from the previous year stood Vimmerby Newspaper with a 300% increase of klimatrapporteringen. Also, tabloid Expressen gave the climate a more ample space.
the people who appeared most in the climate debate. The list, for the applicable election year 2018, dominated not surprisingly by the politicians. In the top visible prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and deputy prime minister Isabella Lövin (MP), then follow the party leaders: Ulf Kristersson (M), Annie Lööf (C). Among non-politicians labelled environmental activist Greta Thunberg (11) – which has recently been honored with a cover story on Time Magazine – klimatforskaren Johan Rockström (spot 20), Svante Axelsson at the organisation zero carbon Sweden (site 23) and the president of the Swedish society for nature conservation, Johanna Sandahl (site 25).
Among the words that were used very much, in 2018, is established eco-friendly, vegan, parties and klimatångest but also newer concepts such as tågcharter, flygskam, klimatstrejk and klimatkalkylator.
Even in the pure affärspressen be given an increased space for climate change coverage has grown by 17% since 2017, and tripled since 2014. By far the most on this issue and wrote Today’s Industry, which accounted for one-third of all articles in the group.