“Råsop against Crime for brottsmätning”
“National trygghetsundersökningen (NTU), measuring crime and insecurity in Sweden, is so poor that in practice it deceive the general, the media and politicians. Broadside against Crime fire in Svenska Dagbladet by experts in the relevant fields.”
“the Authority national council for Crime prevention (Brå) examines annually the vulnerability of certain types of offences. Many researchers, opinion leaders and politicians to support the conclusions of the NTU in different contexts.”
“In 2017 was tried for the Crime in parallel to the old mätmodellen and a new. It then turned out that the dropout rate (the proportion of respondents who have not responded) in NTU increased from 40% (old model) to 59.5% (new model).”
“In the new model, gathered data in via mail and web surveys. Previously, this was mainly through telephone interviews. Increased choice and modified questions are other differences between the models.”
“Despite the increased rate of non-response chose Kind to completely rely on the new mätmodellen 2018. The dropout rate was 63.3 per cent, writes the five debaters in the SvD and says:”
“Behind the debattinlägget is a former development director at the Swedish national police board, a superintendent, an associate professor in criminology, a doctoral student in sociology and a former länspolismästare in the county of Blekinge and the police in Malmö.”
“They offer nothing for the explanation from the NTU-responsible that the selection is so large that the answers despite the dropout rate still reflects what the residents of certain areas like in the current issues. The critical debaters points out that uncertainty increases for every person that does not respond:
“Debattörna saws also Brås method to adjust the previous NTU 2007-2016 so that the results are comparable with the new model:”
“In this mode, see the debaters only one way: Return to the previous NTU with comparability and better response rates.”