It was in an article in DN in virtually all Swedish toppkandidater to the EUROPEAN parliament, nobbade Huawei-mobiles, the international discussion has been about the risk that the chinese government engaged in espionage by the company Huawei.
Huawei is a global company that wants to participate in the deployment of the new, fast 5G network, and is far ahead of competitive technologies.
Read more: EU candidates say no to Huawei phones
Now turning Huawei against politicians unilaterally got to point out a company and highlight its products. The company believes that it should have received comment data, and ”is opposed to the angle that you would engage in espionage or violation of privacy”.
– first, we are very surprised that elected politicians, which, moreover, a candidate to represent Sweden in the EU, go out in public and commenting on a single brand – but also to the EU candidates commenting on the public debate than the actual facts around security. Security requires greater reflection is the general opinion, ” says Carina Axelsson, on the Huawei’s press service.
for the company’s credibility in the säkerhetsfrågort, however, is the national underrättelselag introduced in China by 2015, and reaffirms that it is every chinese person and the chinese company’s duty to participate in the country’s intelligence gathering.
It was this law that contributed to Australia last summer took the decision to block Huawei from building the 5G network.
Read more: A ban of Huawei comes with a steep price tag
” Huawei will not disclose information about our customers to any authority or state. We have allowed independent lawyers with expertise on chinese law to examine China’s underrättelselag and they confirm that the law does not give authorities or the state any access to the information that förespeglas in the media. It also has chinese authorities confirmed, ” says Carina Axelsson.
– There are no laws or regulations in China to force Huawei or any other company, to install ”backdoors”. Huawei has never received any such request from any government and we would never make it. We defend our customers ‘ information at all times. Therefore, the question is not up to date when it comes to Huawei.
Donald Trump to storsläggan against Huawei. By issuing a ”national emergency” with regard to security in the telecom sector, forbade he, thus, u.s. companies that buy the system from Huawei.
But the EU is more cautious in its approach to the company.
Among others, France, Germany and the Netherlands declared after Trump’s statement that it would exclude Huawei from bidding on 5G deployment, without any company would be assessed on the basis that they meet the established safety requirements, writes Reuters.
admitted that there are security risks but they are manageable. A stop for Huawei, it could seriously delay the introduction of 5G, mean man.
But at the same time, the Dutch security service started an investigation of whether there are ”backdoors” in Huawei’s technology, according to the medieuppgifter in the country.
Read more: Swedish mobile operators dependent on spionanklagade Huawei’s equipment