The payment obligation appears to be: fewer and fewer Germans a grab bag at the checkout for plastic. The total number of consumed bags went back in 2018 to around 20 percent.

Since you have to pay at the cashier for a plastic bag, went back to consumption again. In 2018 the German average accessed 24 Times for a transport container made of plastic – the five bags less than in the previous year. Towards 2016, the Per-capita has halved consumption of plastic bags even nearly.

the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze sees its strategy confirmed, to take in the fight against plastic waste trade, responsibility: “The agreed payment obligation acts”, the SPD politician. But this could be just the beginning: “My goal is that we reduce the amount of plastic consumption on a meaningful level.”

“trade has stressed held”

Stefan Genth, chief Executive of the trade Association Germany (HDE), that the trade have kept my word. Around 350 companies have signed the agreement with the Federal Ministry for the environment, and requested voluntary bags of money for plastic. Many of the big trade, the bags have abolished the chains now complete.

According to Minister Schulze, an agreement with the trade next, which should lead to less packaging waste with fruit and vegetables. The thin-walled bags that are offered at the fresh food counters, so far nothing. However, many trade chains, in the meantime, reusable grids or laser-labeled goods.

An Alternative to the plastic bag: Many retail chains offer reusable nets for fruit and vegetables.

the EU is driving the fight against plastic waste-to-forward

in the EU there are requirements to plastic bags with a wall thickness below 50 microns: by 2025, the Per capita consumption are only 40 units per year. In Germany, he was already in the past year, at 20. Other disposable articles made of plastic are completely prohibited: Cutlery, plates and swab with a shaft made of plastic, prohibits the EU from 2021.

the keyword “ban” is responding to the HDE, however, sensitive. Managing Director Gendt says: “The economy needs to be able to agreements with the Federal government to leave.” Federal development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) had demanded a legislative plastic bag ban. According to surveys, the majority of Germans would support it.

German consumers use less plastic bags
Daniel Pokraka, ARD Berlin
17.05.2019 08:32 PM

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German consumer less plastic use bags, Daniel Pokraka, ARD Berlin |audio #briefly explains: How harmful plastic garbage is? |video news Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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