Consumer The average electricity bill for households between 2015 and 2018 with a 33 percent increased from 780 to 1.040 euro. Writes that the VRT and the LABOUR party in a new study. The Flemish energy bill is 17 times stronger increased than in our neighbouring countries, while the electricity itself barely has become more expensive.

the LABOUR party picks up today with a study based on figures from the federal energieregulator CREG. The party compares the cost for people from October 2014 to march 2019 and comes from a an increase of 400 euros, an increase of up to 60 percent.

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The VRT plunged itself also in the figures and makes a broader comparison on the basis of the annual Dutch awards for seasonal effects to surfaces. This shows the increase of 260 euros, or 33 per cent between 2015 and 2018. the

In the neighbouring countries increased the price in the same period, much less. In Germany it went to 4 percent, in the United Kingdom, 1.5 percent. The Dutch stroomfactuur decreased even with 1.8 percent. In absolute figures, we need only the Germans overtake it in 2016 and 2017, we were even the most expensive of the entire European Union.

“Families are paying blue”

it is Striking that the price of the electricity in our country are not higher than elsewhere. It is especially in the other parts of the bill, which is now already three-quarters of the total price in part, that the counter to do plot. Think of vat, taxes and distribution tariffs.

“The bilan of the Flemish and federal energy policy is downright dramatic”, so responds by PVDA party chairman Peter Mertens. “The Swedish coalition promised to make the energy bill affordable, but families are paying today blue. And another promise which the government simply to her boot cobble: in the coalition agreement, we read how the government through a ‘energienorm’ the premium of the families on that of the neighbouring countries would tune in. Five years of non-policy has us saddled with a real energiekloof.”