“Eurovision song contest”
“all Eurovision-finale – then sings Lundvik”
“The sequence finished in the night”
“TEL AVIV. Sweden in the mid – and Australia at the coveted second-to-last placement.”
“All of Eurovisionfinalen is finished.”
“1. Maltan2. Albanienn3. Tjeckienn4. Tysklandn5. Rysslandn6. Danmarkn7. San Marinon8. Nordmakedonienn9. Sverigen10. Slovenienn11. Cypernn12. Nederländernan13. Greklandn14. Israeln15. Norgen16. Storbritannienn17. Islandn18. Estlandn19. Vitrysslandn20. Azerbaijann21. Frankriken22. Italienn23. Serbienn24. Schweizn25. Australienn26. Spain”