teachers, the women’s strike of 14. June want to commit, are in a Dilemma. On the one hand, you want to put a sign on their demands. On the other hand, you don’t want to violate their duty of supervision, you have to your students. How does that go together?

In an open letter to education Director Silvia Steiner (CVP) has the strike Committee formation of the Union, VPOD yesterday, a large number of demands formulated. Katrin Meier, who leads the strike collective, and as a teacher works, says that it is primarily a matter for the individual schools and teams of Teachers, as the teachers strike practical form. Currently, different ideas and actions will be developed. “There are schools that want to create between 11 and 12 o’clock for an hour of work and into the team room, in order to develop concrete demands,” says Meier. During this hour, the male teacher would have to step in and colleagues or at best fathers and the classes to supervise. So you want to prevent the children to remain at home and cared for there must be, a task which would, in turn, accepted by the majority of mothers. And this would be contrary to one of the Central thoughts of the woman strikes: namely, unpaid, to pay tribute to master of women’s paid Care work.

education Director Silvia Steiner noted: “the school is held.” So it assumes a formulation that had characterized its predecessor. “Teachers can participate in their spare time, on this occasion,” continued Steiner. If a teacher wished to participate during their class time in the women’s strike day, you can apply for either unpaid leave, or your lessons, after consultation with the school Board fight. “The parents need to be confident that the school takes place, and the teachers are also obliged to do so.” Otherwise, personnel will consider legal measures.

support for parents

Sarah Knüsel, President of the Association of Headmasters and headmistresses of Zurich (VSL ZH), it looks similar. Knüsel says that the right to strike in certain situations. “The strike call but we are not sure.” Head teachers are employees of the Canton, “we are not able to give the teachers easy to free.” The victims of the strikes, the students and the parents. The question is, what do you think about it, if the male colleagues take for a certain period of time, the care of the class, deviates from Knüsel: “If someone wants to go on strike during class time, these would need to approve the school Board and the school Board.”

sympathy for the concerns of the teachers, the parents. Pasquale Russo, President of the Cantonal parents ‘ participation organization, Zurich, understand the claims “absolutely” sees a strike is justified. Russo believes that he is “end coordinates” and the children are not placed in front of the door.

“school”, is also the attitude of the Zurich school care. For a strike you don’t want to call. “Who wants to go on strike, it can take some time off,” says Regina Kesselring from the School and sports Department of the city. “We expect that the schools and the strike to organize the inside so that the teaching can take place,” she says. If someone is unexcused, the work remains, would the same rules apply as in the case of unjustified absences.

wage dispute in the Kindergarten

A major point of contention in the catalogue of demands of the strike committees are the wages of the teachers, especially the kindergarten teachers. “The division in the lower wage class is the result of the lack of political recognition of a classic woman’s profession,” writes the Committee. The younger the children, the higher the proportion of women and the lower the wage.

“In the field of education, we have the same education, the same wages for women and men level.”Silvia Steiner, education Director

education Director Silvia Steiner resists: “We have a decision by the Federal court, that in the case of the kindergarten teachers, no gender discrimination,” she says. “In the area of education, we have the same education, the same wages for women and men level.”

In the same line is also taken by County Board of education President proposes to Vera Long (FDP), which holds for the wife, strike at the national level of sympathy: “For the national wage difference, is it worth it to strike, but not in the area of education,” she says. The lower Salaries of kindergarten teachers is a political question and outside their sphere of influence as a school President.

For the strike at the end of a teacher Katrin Meier remains the pushing, the Bachelor, the kindergarten teachers will not be considered as equivalent to that of other occupational groups. “Kindergarten teachers have the same wages as primary school teachers.”


Created: 15.05.2019, 22:00 PM