Reportedly, after trying it for a long time. Now it worked. the Ueli Maurer in the short term, to get an invitation from US President Donald Trump . On Thursday morning, Swiss time, he flies in the USA. Maurer’s press office said on Wednesday evening on request only: “presidential visits will be communicated at the appropriate time.”

Three of the sources in the Federal administration, the trip confirmed but independently of each other. Ueli Maurer informed his colleagues at the Federal Council meeting on Wednesday. According to the sources, a bricklayer with Trump is talking about a possible free trade agreement. State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, who is responsible for the free trade dossier with flies.

Maurer’s Visit to Washington is the first presidential visit of a German President in the White house. In 1992, the Federal President René Felber met with the US President George Bush, however, in his function as Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Before 1987, Federal councillor Elisabeth Kopp, Ronald Reagan was received, three years later, Federal Council Jean-Pascal Delamuraz of George Bush.

Last Meeting burst

A free-trade agreement was already in January of 2018, subject, Trump met with the then Federal President, Alain Berset (SP) in Davos. The former economy Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann, made an intensive effort to negotiate with the United States. Five weeks before leaving office, he traveled specifically to the United States to Trumps trade Robert Lighthizer officer meeting – but the Meeting to burst in at the last Minute.

In January, said then Donald Trump his visit to the world economic forum in Davos because of the debates on the us Budget in the short term. The foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis (FDP), met in February with his American colleague Mike Pompeo.

More success as Schneider-Ammann had, finally, his successor, Guy Parmelin Lighthizer met on the 11. April 2019 in Washington. Together, they agreed, the ongoing unofficial talks on a free trade agreement should “be at the expert level continued to deepen”. Whether or not Maurer and Trump are already to announce the start of formal negotiations, was put on Wednesday evening.

“Natural Partner”

it comes now, only a month after the Meeting between Lighthizer and Parmelin, one of the peaks, even for connoisseurs of the dossier in for a Surprise. “The Meeting shows that the free trade agreement is arrived at the top political level,” says Martin Naville, Director of the Swiss-American chamber of Commerce.

Donald Trump have makes like no President before him, negotiations on new free trade agreements. “Switzerland, as an economic liberal and innovation-friendly country is a natural Partner,” says Naville.

it is Clear that both sides want to prevent another debacle like in 2006, when the Federal Council ongoing free trade stopped conversations.

far the largest export market

The main problem was to be flooded from a Swiss perspective, at that time, the agriculture, the feared, of American agricultural products. This Time, Switzerland wants to exclude agriculture, as far as possible.

Ed McMullen, U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, said in March in Zurich, but you could omit agriculture. Free trade must be “free, fair and reciprocal”. The American market offers to Swiss farmers and their products, but also a great opportunity.

For the Swiss economy, it comes to a lot of. With exports to the value of over 40 billion Swiss francs per year in the United States are the second largest export market after Germany. On the opposite side of Switzerland to 2018 imported only Goods to the value of almost 21 billion Swiss francs. Such a large trade deficit is actually in opposition to President Trumps “America-First”policy.

Want to talk to Trump about Iran?

the high-ranking employees of the Federal administration to Express but the fear that Trumps short-term invitation to a Mason could also have other reasons. A less pleasant topic of conversation for masons would be notably China. Switzerland leads with the people’s Republic of very friendly relations. This culminated two weeks ago in a state visit to Mason in Beijing. Also on China’s “New silk road” involved in the Switzerland against the declared will of Washington. US President Trump, in turn, has increased in the last few weeks, the pressure on China.

another topic of conversation could be Iran. In the last few days tensions have increased that even a military confrontation is not excluded. Since then, Washington and Iran have cut their diplomatic relations in 1980, represents Switzerland in the interests of the USA in Iran and is also the official “letter carrier”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 22:13 PM