“Karlsbro (L) if KD:”

“More supranationalism, and perhaps also the EU-tax. The liberals do not be afraid of european cooperation.”

“I am concerned that we are not doing enough,” says toppkandidaten Karin Karlsbro.”

“the christian democrat slogan”

“– Few things are as important as the EU-cooperation – and when has it been right?”

“– We have the needs we have in 2019, and there breathe a populism that turns a blind eye to the real problems.”

“Karin Karlsbro is not afraid to say the other candidates do – to the EU rather need more cooperation and supranationalism.”

“One of the proposals is to enable the union to enforce a european carbon tax.”

“We have had such a person in Sweden for many years now and it has worked very well,” says Karlsbro who want the revenue should go to more research on modern nuclear power.”

“– It would be a such even at the EU level to push down emissions and maintaining competitiveness.”

“Common taxes have been discussed for a long time. In addition to the carbon tax have tax on digital bolagsjättar and financial transactions also been up on the table.”

“But none of them have been of when the taxing rights are a sensitive issue and therefore requires all the governments approval.”

“TT: How do you, as a member of the EU parliament work for this to become reality?”

” I shall drive on which the EUROPEAN union makes decisions, in the formulation of policy issues and follow up the work of the commission. But then I’ll also link arms with my liberal colleagues, “says Karlsbro who think it is”

“– Now we have come to a point where the citizens actually requires that we start delivering.”

“the Liberals are going further than other Swedish parties also when it comes to the union’s police co-operation. Karlsbro is positive to the proposal to strengthen the EU’s external border protection and this for two reasons.”

“Partly that the union must be protected against international crime and to the functioning of the internal market requires a regulated immigration,” she explains.”

“But in parallel, the Liberals also, the proposal for a european FBI – which, unlike the current Europol shall have the right to work operating across borders.”

“– the Crime rate is far ahead of us, and we have pointed out for a long time that you need to take a serious effort.”

“TT: Also it requires unanimity in the council of ministers, is this really something that the EUROPEAN parliament can push?”

“– Yes, the EU parliament can affect even this issue, which affects both the EU budget and legislation. And to begin with I should try to get support for this in the liberal group.”

“No to social”

“Despite the EU’s enthusiasm is, however, one area where the Liberals say no to supranationalism, and it is in social policy.”

“Karlsbro supports the work with the social pillar, which consists of a series of non-binding principles on social rights.”

“However, she not that the points to be converted into EU-legislation.”

“– To take in hand at Europe’s member states should take responsibility for its citizens is a decent UNION.”

“– Then it is up to member states to formulate and implement policy.”

“Just the social pillar is advocated in particular by the president of France Emmanuel Macron, whose party would like to form a coalition in the EU parliament with the liberal partigruppen Alde – which the Liberals belong.”

“to Hook the arm with the Macros?”

“Among other things, propagate Macros for a statutory european minimum wage.”

” I think it is a wonderful work which they have done in France when it comes to the fight for an open Europe, says Karlsbro.”

“She acknowledges, however, at the same time that there are a number of elements in their programs that the Liberals do not agree with – and it’s not just about the social issues.”

“– There are also elements that are more protectionist, for example, how to promote domestic industries.”

“Born:Sandviken in Sweden”

“What question is top on the priority list?”

“– The most important question is what the EU we should have. And where we say yes to closer european cooperation. We believe that we can and want to take increased responsibility for saving the climate, fighting crime and making Europe more competitive.”

“Which committee would you like to sit in?”

“– Like the committee on the environment or working with home affairs and refugee policy.”

“you Will report your kontorspengar in public?”

“– Yes, I will.”