“Rather be herring than mackerel in sustainable piscivorous”

“But all is not darkness in the waters.”

“– Herring has many advantages, ” says fiskexperten Karin Glaumann.”

“world wildlife fund (WWF) divides the around 80 species in his guide in the categories of green, yellow and red light. In general is the worse for four of the ten most common matfiskarna on the Swedish market. In addition to the aforementioned cod and mackerel may nordhavsräkor fished in the south of Norway red light, and herring from the various areas goes from green to yellow light.”

“– for slightly different reasons. The mackerel from the north-east Atlantic, it is, above all, overfishing is not the problem, ” says Karin Glaumann, expert at the WWF.”

“For the shrimp – like Norwegian fishermen fishing in the Kattegat and the North sea – it is because the red light on the stock feel bad, and that it is fished småräkor, which die and are dumped into the sea.”

“– Of cod in the Norwegian sea and the Barents sea, it is above all the management pulls down the recommendation. It means, among other things, setting quotas that are above the scientific recommendations, ” says Karin Glaumann.”

“Careful with the mackerel”

“however, There is hope for makrillfantaster.”

“– Mackerel from the north-east Atlantic fisheries which are fished with a line is still left on the green light. It is fished gently and gets very little by-catch, and a very small impact on the ecosystem as a whole, ” says Karin Glaumann.”

“But she adds that you should generally be careful not to eat mackerel today.”

“– the Mackerel is fished with all sorts of gear in the northeast Atlantic, and most of it is either red or yellow now.”

“however, There may be mackerel and cod from the waters in the trade that are ok to buy, if it is caught before the species got to their new classifications. Is the MSC-, ASC – or Kravmärkt, it is free, according to Karin Glaumann.”

“Then there are the other options for all seafood lovers. Over eight out of ten species in the WWF-the wizard has green or eco-labelled alternative – and some species show a positive development, such as plaice, flounder and turbot from the Skagerrak, the Kattegat and the North sea.”

“There are no fish that only has the green light. But there are fish with only green and yellow. As the herring.”

“– Herring is a fish that is good to eat. Lot is located on a green light in the present. There are some exceptions, but generally, it is very climate-friendly, to eat the herring, ” says Karin Glaumann.”

“– Because it is a schooling fish so get up very much fish without very much effort, so klimatutsläppet per kilo of fish is relatively low. Herring has many advantages, ” she says.”

“In Sweden, we eat an average of 12.5 kilograms of fish and seafood per person each year. This corresponds to less than two servings a week, and is a reduction compared with our eating habits five years ago,”

“The swedes eat the most are salmon, herring, cod, and shrimp.”

“There are around 80 different producers on the Swedish market. The ten most common accounting for 80% of consumption and are as follows: salmon, sillu002Fströmming, cod, shrimp*, bonitu002Ftonfisk, Alaska pollock, mackerel, saithe and trout.”

“less than 30 percent of the matfisken in Sweden comes from the domestic fishing and domestic crops. The rest is imported, mainly from Norway, Denmark and China.”

“* the Shrimp count as two varieties: prepared shrimp (shrimp in the law that scaled abroad) and kallvattenräkor (frozen or fresh shrimp with or without shell).”

“Source: WWF”

“About 90 percent of the world’s commercial fish stocks are either fully exploited or overfished.”

“the Wizard has been given out since 2002 and is a collaboration between the WWF in 25 countries. The fish are divided into three categories: green, amber and red light.”

“the WWF recommends everyone to ask for products marked with the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) or Requirements.”

“Of around the 80 species in the guide are green or eco-labelled alternatives for over eight out of ten.”

“the Following species should be avoided entirely because they lack the green or yellow options in the wizard: eels, sharks (spiny dogfish), whiting, skate and red snapper.”

“Flounder, lake, piggvaru002Fslätvar, sole and bluefin tuna are no options on the green light.”

“In the wizard is considered the wild-caught species on the basis of three criteria: how the stocks are doing, if management and control is effective, and the impact of fishing on the ecosystem. For the cultured species are the feed comes from, cultivation system and environmental impact.”

“Source: WWF”