Kenneth and Eva Samuelsson, Umeå:

– It is way too high and I don’t know what there is for options if you are away. Inside the Umeå buses, but only one comes off, there will be problems, ” says Eva Salomonsson.

her Husband Kenneth did not agree with:

” I understand that it is a sensitive issue for many who live outside the cities. But it is actually good for the environment if we do not drive as much. My car rolls to 2,000 miles per year. I say okay to the today’s price, it is just right. But it may not go up more, ” says Kenneth Salomonsson.

– I’m ambivalent to the price of petrol. On the one hand, there are many who need the car. We have long distance and it is sometimes difficult to find other ways to get somewhere. On the other hand, it is certainly good for the environment that gasoline is expensive. I drive not as much and it is a choice. I ride mostly in town and try to use other modes of transport when you can travel by bus or train. The price of petrol does not make me upset.

” I heard they put on a further 20 cents in the day, and I don’t like. I run of 5,500 miles per year, and it feels as if I am standing at the gas station most of the time. I was able to save or keep down the cost, I would do it, but I really don’t know how to do it. I have ten miles to Umeå and for us there is neither the tram or the metro. We have actually hardly buses. I think the rub for us motorists.

– the price of Petrol is pure madness. I live in the mountains, a bit away from Åsele, and have 13 miles to work one way. Exactly how much I spend on fuel I don’t know but it will be unnecessary. I’ve been thinking about how I’ll be able to keep down the cost but it is difficult. The car pulls 0.8 l mile, and it is not dangerous. It would be good to switch to the scooter, but there I am not than.

– I run a part, most city driving, but I don’t think it is so dangerous. There are many factors that come into play and affect the price of petrol. Compare it with what people earn, so you can see that it has not changed in decades. I think the level is reasonable and I’m not upset.

– It is diabolical how to put us motorists. I commute between Vännäs and Umeå. I will receive a tax deduction, but the deduction is at 18:50 and gasoline costs 16:89. I think there is something sick in that relationship. And the worse it gets. I must have a car to work and I have kids that I’ll take to various events. The tax deduction must be up and the price down.

Photo: Anders Boström

Lasse Swärd: Risk of 18 sek per liter in the summer