The Apps , which we will introduce to you in today’s Video, you might be confused at first glance with simple Games or trivial entertainment titles. But they are not. Although you use a playful, but have a clear intention: to make us mentally fitter.

This goal in different ways to pursue – and, therefore, there are five quite different Apps. Knowledge training relies on the fact that the facts and General knowledge in the age of Google and Wikipedia are not entirely redundant. The App is free for iPhone and Android, the full version of the switches for 4 francs.

Where is that? helps the geography of knowledge on the jumps. Whether or not the Swiss cantons, the countries of Africa or the capitals of the earth; you can Buffalo with this App, seriously or playfully practice. And in Multiplayer mode you can compete against others. Free for iPhone and Android, the full version is available as In-App-purchase for 9 francs.

Who invented hats?

Duolingo is one of the world’s most popular Apps in Switzerland, and is the best App for language is likely to be self-study. You can venture to a new language or rusted skills. 23 the languages of the world are supported, of course – and languages. The App is free (iPhone/Android), for the Plus Version for unlimited Learning one pays 10.50 Swiss francs.

Lumosity (Free for iPhone and Android) and neuro nation (Free for iPhone and Android; Abo: 28 Fr. per year) are two Apps with which to exercise his intellectual abilities – memory, logical Thinking, concentration and speed. This is sometimes called the brain, and is, as a real Sport, is quite exhausting – even if you get to do it with two Apps using beautifully made Mini-Games.

the Italian

to address Both of these Apps show a after a few rounds, where it has its Strengths and weaknesses, and allow the deficits to address. Which one prefers is a matter of taste. Lumosity seems to be a little more accessible, neuro-nation to keep even more complex tasks. Lumosity is limited for free use, the Premium features are available from 12 francs, as an In-App purchase. Neuro nation required after a free trial, a subscription that starts at 28 francs per year.

for More Videos and training can be found in the contributions of What Wikipedia also, anything can and Apps for those in the know. (

Created: 13.05.2019, 16:03 PM