Germany – a pioneer in climate protection? A long time ago. The government is tearing always goals your self-imposed climate. Remedy a climate protection act is intended to create. But how exactly does that look like? Two think tanks have made proposals.

Patrick Graichen is no leaders and no head of a powerful lobbying Association, but only the head of the “Agora Energiewende”, a Berlin-based think-tank. The more self-conscious of what he says about the paper that he has with in the Federal press conference brought sounds: “you can read the Cabinet submission for the climate Cabinet. In the autumn there should be decisions. And we have not created the template that is currently on the table.”

actions for a climate bill have written down the turn of Graichen and his colleague of the “Agora dialogue” of policy. According to Graichen, a good law must be above all first, one, binding: “so Far, all the climate protection targets in any Cabinet decisions have been, which has then thrown the next government.”