In the Region of Col du Tournelon Blanc, in the municipality of Bagnes was swept on Saturday by a seven-member group of tour skiers from an avalanche. The skiers were at the Corbassière glacier is on the move, such as the Valais cantonal police.

Four of the tour skiers were injured and to the hospital. Due to the weather conditions, the rescue was made more difficult action, such as the police writes. The three uninjured skiers were flown to the Panossièeres hut.

300 meters long, 100 meters wide

The group was with a mountain guide. This remained unharmed. According to the police are Swiss nationals. The avalanche stretched to a length of 300 meters and was around 100 meters wide. The Prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation.

In use stood next to the police of the Canton of Valais Air-Glaciers/Maison FXB du Sauvetage, KWRO 144 and the Regional Rescue team Entremont. (red)

Created: 11.05.2019, 21:02 Uhr