the Week’s most powerful tv was, of course, they are both two very unlikely Champions League semi-finals, albeit on the verge of completely sönderpratade of Viasat incessant grinding, monotonous, matchanalyser. Apart Lars Lagerbäcks orakelmässiga revelation, of course. And as nice as he dare to go against the usual perceptions, and not so rarely snap, he in addition the little boys next door on the nose.

You can also quite clearly see how he sometimes just want to put a pillow to the face when some of his colleagues so obviously don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

In kommentatorshytten was, of course, Niklas Holmgren as usual tuppjuck, and exceeded all limits (it does not mean that he is an interesting gränsöverskridare). The worst is that so many of his colleagues, with time, started to compete against him in that ”show emotion”.

the SVT played in the days following up a classic Arne Hegerfors-abstracts from any högdramatisk world CUP finals in hockey, where Arne just a tad goes up in falsetto and immediately afterwards says: ”Sorry if I yelled.”

and readers to Niklas Holmgren has become something of a classic precisely because of its ”wonderful spontaneity”, that it’s become both his hallmark and the brand, and it is certainly part of the truth as to why he is still in the industry.

His outburst is certainly a small klickmonster, and colleagues see of course how the type of radiopratande right now rapidly becoming a bit of cult on social media – and småängsliga mediechefer is never svårövertalade. No, I for no personkampanj against Niklas Holmgren, he is certainly a nice dot, but he makes so great a claim on the attention that he is doing so arrives the course in all forms. Even as a repeat criticism.

He is a big boy and needs to understand that it is about the profession and the public.

the ice-hockey world CUP-tray, dan before dan last Thursday and one can only conclude that it was business as usual. Low ordvitsstatus in elements ”Puckat & clear”, many certainties as to be rolled out, new experts must be trained.

They have had a completely private tuppjuck over to the world CUP now finally have ”come home” to SVT after 32 years in exile – I think it is good that the world CUP-hockey, and other major championship, can be seen by as many swedes as possible, but no editorial guarantee of quality is absolutely not the case now. The självgodheten is still a part of the SVT employees around with, a sort of hubris that they don’t have any reason to try to självlysa with.

We’ll see what the new acquisitions as Staffan Kronwall and Roger Rönnberg has to offer, on the launch day saw the såsigt and tough it out. Can they really speak out of the beard eventually?

In the best case is Roger Rönnberg a Lasse Lagerback in miniature, in the worst case, a journalistic trap: Why choose just förbundskaptenens buddies and former co-worker in order to analyze and possibly criticize the game, plan, ideas? Is just a good friend the most suitable for the job?

attention-grabbing strange.

sports reporting suffer from a collective of conflicts of interest, money, friends and politics, to public service helps to cultivate this type of delusion is hard to swallow. Interesting to know how they thought.

a cliff when he sees as the best out (and when he get to breathe out between missions), and is it just me who thinks that he are much more critical to its mission now than just a few years ago? Linguistically, he is the closest to perfect, all of us concerned to write or speak in public know how easy it is to say error, write error, slip, slur, be not sharp (I used a week in a chronicle the ingenious term ”female widows…”).

You need to be hard on yourself when you can’t even fix it easiest. And television broadcasts, for example, is it not okay to say (no mentioned, no forgotten) that someone must ”shoulder the great expectations”. Happens a little too often in sports that the language becomes a mishmash. SVT must as educators take the lead and keep the banner up.

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Erik Nivas uninterrupted monologues are lousy tv

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