More than 2,500 children, with about 30 nationalities, including Swedish children, living in camps in north-eastern Syria in terrible conditions. Some of these come from the county of Stockholm.

the united nations has called on states to facilitate a safe return for all of the children who are their nationals. The government should immediately bring forward solutions that will enable the children to be collected.

Save the Children’s voice has been heard many times during the debate. On april 12, we sent an open letter to prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and the government, and appealed to the government would act. In the letter stated inter alia: ”the Government’s actions are unacceptable slow. The government is covering up, blaming and investigating. Meanwhile, children were dying in the refugee camps in northern Syria”.

and their families, which of the authorities is presumed to have links to the terrorist organisations Islamic state (IS), has stayed in the camps for over a year, while others have recently arrived because of the ongoing battles.

Among them are unaccompanied children, children living with funktionsvariation, severe injuries or diseases and children who are themselves parents. Like millions of syrian children, these children have lived through conflict and raids.

More than 1,100 children have arrived since January of this year, and they reach the camps, in a desperate state. According to the UN, at least 50 syrian and foreign children have died since december, during the journey or shortly after arrival to the camps, as a result of cooling, malnutrition or diseases.

a clear ambition to create the conditions for children to come home. The humanitarian situation in the camps is severe and the children are exposed to very large risks. Time is of the essence and it is important that Swedish authorities to reach solutions immediately.

Even the children in Syria has the rights of the individual. Sweden has, according to the crc and other applicable international conventions are a responsibility for these children, no matter what choices their parents made.

the Government and the opposition have been clear that none of the parties believe that the children inherit the parents ‘crimes, children are not responsible for their parents’ actions. It is honourable in every way, even if it is not the key issue.

is why it takes so long for Sweden to act.