It’s lunchtime and some children moving across the vårlummiga förskolegården. Karin Bylund is förskolechef for this and four other pre-schools in Tensta, standing in the shade and pointing towards a smaller building on the farm.

– It can be under the buildings in crevices or around the gables. I have said that no one should touch it to find, but directly call the police, who will take care of it.

both marijuanakakor, powders and tablets have been found at förskolornas farms in the last year.

– Tablets feels extra uncomfortable, it can the children put in their mouths, ” she says.

Every morning, go ecec staff through the farms, and partly to clear away debris, but also to ensure that there are no drugs anywhere.

– It is not often that we have found something, but it has happened maybe seven times in the last year. In the past it was maybe one or a couple of times per year, ” says Karin Bylund.

the increase believe she could be that the police have been more present in the centre and around the metro. This has meant that the people who use and sell drugs moved to other places.

Förskolechefen Karin Bylund tells us that the staff begin each day with to check the farms to ensure that there are drugs somewhere. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

Even from the police’s hold, you see an increase of reports concerning drugs in pre-schools in the Järva area.

” I can’t say exactly, but it is about a two-digit number of events with the drugs at the kindergartens in the year. Then, it is both the police, who found the drugs or the people who work there and the preschool staff who find and sign, ” says Christoffer Bohman, chief of police in Rinkeby.

the nursery is also used as sales outlets. During their crackdown, police in particular found cannabis, cocaine and various kinds of tablets.

– the Reason why people are staying on the förskoleområdena is that there are places that are pleasant to hang on. They are obscure and quite close to the established venues. There are also seating facilities.

directed their work towards kindergartens to stop narkotikahanteringen there. In a post on Facebook, write police in Rinkeby, in the other Thursday night, encountered two kilos of the drug with a gatuvärde on approximately 300.000 in the vicinity of a nursery school in Kista.

Christoffer Bohman says he does not know of any cases from this year where pre-school children got a hold of the drugs.

– Last year it was a case where a pre-schooler found a large amount of drugs, but it was not on a förskoleområde.

in the nursery and manage the dope is, especially for young adults, according to police.

They had, when they built the “million” programme, a benevolence, but it was not the good

Järva has a large proportion of adolescents and young adults compared with other districts. Then there is also another photo of a busy street. In Järva hanging not at home with each other, as they do in other neighborhoods. They had, when they built the “million” programme, a benevolence, but it was not good. It has been housing that benefit exclusion, where it is almost built into problems, ” says Christoffer Bohman.

is the chairman of the Spånga-Tensta, the city of stockholm. He looks serious on that drugs be found on the preschools in the district and want to see action. Among other things, stewards, through an agreement the district has with a security company, is concentrated on the kindergartens that are most vulnerable, when the businesses close for the day. He would also like to see an expanded interaction with the police.

– It is important that we have a common situational awareness of how this looks. We are also open to, via the city trygghetsfond, apply for funds for physical investment. It can be about the enhanced lighting that lights when someone moves in the area and to remove trees and shrubs that are perfect stash for drugs, ” says Ole-Jörgen Persson.

” he says that both the city and the districts in the Järva area, among other things, expanded the operation of social units, where the young, among other things, may help to stop committing crimes.

” But I also want to emphasize parental responsibility. I really want to urge parents and the social network available to even more keep track of where young people are when they really should be at home.

Drawings in watercolor adorn the walls where Karin Bylund and two of ecec educators sitting. They say that they have not noticed any major concern among staff and parents. Some parents have contacted the after it reported on the narkotikafynden in the media, but most seem to be secure in the knowledge that the kindergarten has the situation under control.

to something that worries her more than the children to get in touch with the dope on the förskoleområdet is how their future will look like when they come up in school. She and ecec staff tells us, among other things, that the parents they meet are experiencing difficulties in parenting.

– We have groups with school, preschool, social services, föräldrarådgivare and field workers. And we often experience similar things. You need to strengthen the parent-child relationship. There we work with on many levels.

Ole-Jörgen Persson (M), chairman of the Spånga-Tensta city, calls on parents to keep better track of what their young people are doing. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

Karin Bylund that the parents ‘ conditions to be able to help their children look different. Förskolepedagogerna tells me that they are trying to support parents in among others, the early finding activities for the children, but that it would be easier if there were more such in the area.

– We also have parents who pay good money for sub-leased apartments and, for example, live seven people in a second. And to sit and do homework in such an environment is not easy, ” says Karin Bylund.

she says She sees how the children who had received extra support in the nursery do not always receive the same help in school and, therefore, likely to slip out.

– Then, the risk is greater that they also fall outside society and be drawn into the abuse.

Read more: Police appeal for help is spread in social media: ”It has gone too far.”