“Löfven: Referendum against far-right extremism”

“– the EUROPEAN elections are a referendum on the högerextremismens rampage, if they are to be offered power or resistance, ” says prime minister Stefan Löfven when the parliamentary partiledardebatt begins.”

“Stefan Löfven focused the whole of his opening speech on the threat to democracy in Europe.”

” We have governments that interrupts the korruptionsarbetet, which strengthens his power over the judges, taking control of state media and pointing out the parts of civil society as foreign agents. This is the ghosts from Europe’s past that goes again, ” says Löfven.”

“– They have successful drag down Europe in the dark before, never, never shall we give them a chance again, ” says Löfven.”

“He warns of the far-right, which now mobilizes around Europe in order to curtail women’s and employees’ rights.”

“– But there is another Europe, where we cooperate, not only for the market but to create added value for people in everyday life, for the free movement of people and where cross-border threats are greeted with the cross-border cooperation, ” says Löfven.”

“– So now set each of the democratic party faced a choice, either give the extremists what they craves, cooperation and invitations, or resist. What has the far-right extremism ever done in the history of Europe that will make you want to give them power again? ask Stefan Löfven.”

“Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson counter with that in his opening speech, focusing mostly on migration, crime, and nuclear power – in which he stresses that Sweden for its part, is responsible for law enforcement and refugee policy.”

“– None of this, the EU can solve for us, ” he says.”

“– But also the cooperation with the EU plays a role: Both Sweden and the EU must do the right thing, ” he adds.”

“It applies also to climate, according to Kristersson.”

“– the Swedish nuclear power is over, ” he says, while he calls for more bets on the utlsäppshandel and nuclear research.”

“He adds that the Swedish social welfare do not need any EU social pillar.”

“– Wolves, snuff and hunting, we manage all by themselves, ” he says.”

“the sweden democrats’ party leader Jimmie Åkesson call themselves pro-european, but believes that the EU, to a large part of the day, doing the wrong things.”

“– I love Europe but not the EU, but I have come to understand that the EU is a political project which is going to change, ” says Åkesson, and stresses that he wants to work against the, as he calls them, Europafientliga forces that want to make the EU into a federal superstate.”

“Åkesson says he,”

“Even the left party Jonas Sjöstedt, criticises the lack of democracy in the EUROPEAN union, where elected representatives are not allowed to post suggestions. He also criticises the economic policies that the EU has brought.”

“– It is from the soil of far-right extremism is growing. But there is another EUROPE, where the employees ‘rights before business, where the employees never put against the employees,” says Sjöstedt.”

“KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor recalls that the EU’s founding fathers were christian democrats.”

“– We see the problems our continent is facing, a greater polarization between those who are against the cooperation with the EU and those who want to create a superstate. If this balance is disturbed, the risk of the cooperation will collapse, ” says Busch Thor.”

” We want to make the EU the right again. The EU should not be a superstate, rather like a family which hangs together but allowed to be different, ” she says.”

“the Liberal leader Jan Björklund recalls that the Second world war ended on this day. Cooperation with the EU was created as a reaction to the nationalism busted.”

“– we are Now the world’s most peaceful part of the most stable democracies and the highest standard of living. It is the liberal model of society which is at stake, ” says Björklund.”