the Smartphone is the most ingenious multi-function device of all time – or a bully that makes the user jump through hoops? Both, of course: on the one Hand, the technical wonder of the plant actually replaces more than fifty devices of the camera over the bar code reader to the alarm clock, wallet, car keys and a tape Measure. On the other hand, the constant push messages, the constant temptation to self-distract are not to rationalize,.

The Smartphone is made to “hack our brains”, similar to a slot machine: The former Google product Manager Tristan Harris has drawn the comparison in US TV show “60 Minutes”: It is how to operate the lever to obtain a reward. Instead of a winner – or a loser combination, there is a cute Emoji for Whatsapp, a Like in Instagram or a new Follower on Twitter. This leads to a release of dopamine, say researchers: We get each Time a little hormonal Kick, when the Smartphone reports.

The not conditioned us to feel our phone, even if it is not in the vicinity. The phantom vibration syndrome, the Affected in a form incorrectly, you would receive a notification. Large parts of the population suffer from it. In the case of the freshmen, it should be up to 90 percent, the BBC reported.

Council by the monk?

How to deal with it? Jamie Kreiner, an extraordinary history Professor at the University of Georgia, has unearthed the manuscript of John Cassian. The priest, monk and writer, have written 422 a manuscript, the brace us with digital distractions, deal with it, find the Professor. The monks practice self-restraint, celibacy. How the benefit is, of course, obvious: If you only focus on a few essential things, then less thoughts in your head are fighting for attention. The monks have moved to increase the concentration, which means that we fitness bands and smart watches even request to move every hour, two minutes.

Whether the monks with their Tricks could defend themselves today against the fascination of the smartphone, of course, remains to be seen. But there are also modern approaches, to show the Smartphone in the barriers. A little helpless in the act-sealable box Distracta-Gone and phone cell: safes with time lock, which only open after the predetermined time and the phone. This was most obviously a radical solution: Both projects missed out on the Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, your funding goal. Because the quick view on the Display even easier Tricks to help. You can put the phone in the bottom drawer or just turn it off. Because until it is back up, you have to overcome the impulse.

trees instead of Facebook

A sympathetic approach to the Forest App for Android and iPhone (2 francs). This one chooses the period of time during which you do not want to use the Smartphone. In this time a virtual tree is growing in the App. However, by the flourishes, one should not leave the App. If one lingers a few seconds too long for Facebook or a Tweet settles, then the tree withered. You use the App regularly, it grows over time, a healthy forest, or one that is interspersed with tree corpses. The experience shows that this App really promotes the self-discipline. For example, at the meetings or social events, where the reflex-like grip to the phone also socially frowned upon.

The technical term for this behavior is “Phubbing”, a combination of phone and snub the English word for snub. A simple aid in airplane mode. He stops the wireless Connections and thus the notifications. Somewhat less radically, the “do Not disturb”mode. He switches calls and notifications to silent, but attempts of Contact from contacts marked as a favorite, to be put through. Also when someone logs repeatedly, the phone call – in the assumption that it could be really important.

The “do Not disturb”-mode is configured on the iPhone in settings, in Android, under “sounds > do not disturb”. It can be set up so that it will be on in the evening automatically active. It is about the control center at any time to manually activate it. On the iPhone tap on the moon icon for Android on the icon with the vertical bars. Practical: By long tap on this icon, the “do Not disturb”mode on the iPhone also for a certain period of time switched on, or until you leave the place. The Tête-à-Tête from the Local, activated the phone.

It is also quite easy to configure the notifications from the Apps, the notifications, as desired: Both the iPhone as well as Android, you do not have to go into the Depths of the phone configuration, but only a notification for a long tap. The iPhone provides, which is in the upper right corner of the message, a menu icon with three dots. You tap it, you can receive the notifications of the App still, so no indication by sound or Vibration. It is also possible that the notifications for the App off – because in many cases, you don’t miss anything.

In the case of Android also tap and Hold on a notification settings – how to do it exactly, varies depending on the model.

help for self-discipline

Apple has introduced the last big Update, a function that is supposed to help the self-discipline on the jumps. The Screen shows what Apps you used most often. You can define a time-out, while only certain Apps, as well as calls are admitted. It is also possible limits. By default, this will apply to categories, so for example, for all the games or entertainment Apps.

This is not useful in any case: Because if you restrict the Social-Media-Apps, is keeping you from Facebook. But also on the part of the messengers, the need for his work. But there is a hidden opportunity, a Limit for a single App. To do this, tap on the Overview with the time and go to the list of “most used” and then to the appropriate App. In the detail view there is now the command “Limit”, you set up a limit for an App or even a Website.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.05.2019, 17:45 PM