It must be a depressing Job: year after year, experts estimate in the order of the Canton of Zurich, such as the local inventory of endangered animals and plants has developed. The balance sounds mostly similar to last Time. Between 2013 and 2016, has developed one in every six of the 240 species studied negatively, the acrobatic bird, for example, or the small pond rose. In terms of the numbers, only animals and plants, which benefited from specific protection measures have increased almost.

The attractiveness of the Canton of Zurich in the case of the species Homo sapiens makes it for all other types of hard paving. This is to be taken literally. Settlements expand, roads dissect the landscape, transport and agriculture soils clog with nitrogen, more and more people are pushing for recreation in the nature. Because of the particularly high density of Use shall apply to Zurich increasingly, what goes for Switzerland in General: The state of species diversity or biodiversity is “worrying”. So it is in the most recent cantonal environmental report.

Doomed to extinction

The alarming conclusion of the initial week presented the global biodiversity report reflects a development that takes place directly in front of the door. Often, without you noticing it. Who cares about a small dragonfly, like the moss’s bridesmaid? In addition, the Die is tightened over the years. “Many rare species are in the Canton,” says ETH-Zurich Professor Rolf Holderegger, “but your life is the Size and quality no longer have periods, so that the kinds of plants enough.” The science has invented for this state of perdition has a morbid concept of “extinction debt”.

provide The idyllic image, the areas are much-visited nature reserves such as the Thurauen or the Sihlwald, is a deceptive. Although the Canton of Zurich is close to reach his 1995 decided to secure 3600 hectares of environmentally valuable landscapes permanently, which corresponds to approximately three times the area of the lake. But these are only two percent of the Canton area. And outside have slowed down the progress in the last ten years. This applies, for example, for the grasslands, which are often inferior, or for the area of the hedges, which has been stagnating at a low level.

The Five point Plan

All seen, are the habitats for many animals and plants in the Canton of Zurich to small, also is of poor quality, because from the surrounding areas to many nutrients get in, and hardly more networked. The last interim balance sheet of the cantonal expert body on nature conservation, three years ago: The state of Zurich nature is unsatisfactory, the existing measures are sufficient.

To move forward, suggested by the environmental experts to focus up to 2025 on five priorities. Firstly: to ensure all habitats and areas of überkommunaler importance definitely. Secondly: to the 900 hectares of Grassland to raise it to a high level of quality or to create new and more 2500 prepare for it. Thirdly, 1300 hectares of Land, in order to secure the existing remains of the Zurich Moore, and to protect them from negative influences from the environment. The today isolated the remaining areas are not sufficient for many endangered species to Survive – Zurich, one of the peat richest cantons in Central Switzerland, has a special responsibility here. Fourthly, to create a new forest and nature reserves. In addition, forest areas, held with the regular interference of light, which favors rare types. Fifthly, to make the restoration of streams and rivers, the shore so that these waters serve as connecting corridors between ecologically valuable areas. All other measures have second priority, for example, the construction of natural parks or green roofs in the cities.

More money, thanks to the FDP

The Zurich policy has taken account of the fact that the action plan will cost money. The government has set the additional funding from 2018 in the Budget, the cantonal Parliament recently for 2019, with a further 2 million Swiss francs on it Packed. What was only possible, because this time, the FDP was in favour.

According to Ursina Wiedmer, head of the specialist Department for nature conservation, there are first successes. So Moore left the lake to regenerate, the Torfriet in Pfäffikon and dry locations in Glattfelden. In addition, it went ahead with sparse forests at the warehouses.

It is quite conceivable that under the new, green, construction Director, Martin Neukom, the pace is further increased. He has often called for more money for measures in favour of biodiversity and can now count on a majority in Parliament. Specifically, he does not like to comment on after only one day in office yet. Boost the natural initiative of the Zurich-based environmental organizations that came about in the fall could generate. You will require an additional 55 million for conservation every year.


poison, renounce something is to omit from the is Effective, what they can do to hobby gardeners for the diversity of species. Because many poisons kill non-specific. Initially, you have to live with more pests, but later a natural balance. Weeds can keep a lid on, when removed it young. Also, fertilizer is usually unnecessary. An English lawn, if it needs to be, according to the Pro-Natura-managing Director Andreas Hasler also with frequent Mowing.

nesting AIDS attach

Clearly, not everyone can put up a bird house or a Fledermausbox. A place for a wild bee house are found on each balcony. However, you should be aware of: The insects need to feed, otherwise the Nisthilfe is rather counterproductive. There is no natural meadow in the immediate vicinity, to do it for a couple of balcony boxes with wild flowers. Nesting AIDS to involve a certain potential for Frustration: Not in all the settled inhabitants.

wild flower plants

Very effective measure: Each Planter, each square metre of wild flower serves the diversity of species. Just in pots, wild flowers are easy to cultivate. A meadow of Flowers, is, however, only once a lot of work: the Sow and the old planting. Who wants to do even more for insects and birds, planting native shrubs such as cornelian cherry, and black hawthorn. The Benefit increases disproportionately to the number of plants.

birds feeding

you Can’t, but you do, because to come to the feeders for those bird species that are near threatened, and normally come well through the Winter. For the types of diversity that brings Feed, therefore, is not particularly much, says Pro-Natura-managing Director Andreas Hasler. But it is simply Fun to watch the birds, and especially children can bring a bird feeder in the garden is quite closer to nature.


build, It does not take much to build for small animals shelter. And Branches like branches to dispose of, instead of you, in an unused corner. Such a bunch of don’t have to be huge to offer many living beings living room. Also piles of Leaves will be populated in the Winter. Ideally, a small pile of large field is also a stone in a well shaded place in the garden: He used reptile as a hideout and as a heat station.


Only to avoid the brings a lot of: animals do not Fall. Windows are often deadly to birds, especially if they offer a view through the house. Remedy curtains, strip films or adhesive with the birds of prey to create silhouettes. Small animals such as newts and frogs die shafts again and again the misery in the Light. Because amphibians to hide from death in the cracks, that remains often unnoticed. Light shaft-grid should therefore be secured with a fine wire mesh. (leu)


Created: 07.05.2019, 21:09 PM