171 of 258 persons voted together until Per Bolund that Isabella Lövins new språkrörskollega.

– the Future is green, now we run, ” he said in his short speech after the voting figures have been presented at the congress.

When the DN hit the Bolund a couple of hours before the result was announced, he took not their profit förgiven. Like other greens, gathered in Örebro, sweden, during the weekend, he thought that the vote would be exciting.

” One should not believe that it is self-evident. I have a huge respect for Magnus, who is a strong politician, he said.

congress does not put his voice on a Per Bolund, he feels in retrospect, sure of his position in the party and see the voting figures as a sign that the MP has many strong politicians.

Magnus Wåhlin has highlighted issues relating to social development, and I agree with him. We will be a lot of plants, animals and people, ” said Per Bolund.

” I think there is a need for green policies in many different areas. The housing market for example, where I now have responsibility as minister of housing. Where are we going to go forward with the proposal to lower the klimatavtrycket on newly built homes. But then also the social parts, and in which I hope that we can have a consultation in order to highlight the good ideas that I know that the greens have about how we can help those who are most exposed in our society, ” said Per Bolund.

voted in favour of the Magnus Wåhlin to the new mouthpiece.

” It was, above all, that we wanted to get a few more strong voices in politics, and Per is a strong voice already. Does he need more support to get an arena. Magnus would need more spotlight in order to be able to operate its policy in the environmental movement. So it was the main reason: to get more people to come into the media spotlight, ” says Forslund, but adds at the same time, he believes that the Bolund will be a good mouthpiece.

Marianne Bonnevier from Lidköping agree that it needed more new names among the party’s top layer. Even her voice was Wåhlin.

“I wanted to get someone outside the country who come from any other place than Stockholm, it is important to have the mixture,” she says.

Isabella Lövin, on which the party’s female voice. She is happy with her new closest colleague, and think it rather an advantage than a disadvantage that they are both sitting in the government.

” We are a party that has two leading representatives. It can be challenging sometimes when you have to coordinate their positions all the time. Then, it is important to have leaders who have a good insight into what the green party’s work in government means, ” she says.

Read more: Bolund: Right or left is not important

Read more: the Anonymous who challenge the Bolund if språkrörspositionen