“The Swedish ICE-the kids must be out of camp before it’s too late”

“I don’t know exactly what I had expected last week, when I traveled to the al-Hol in nordösytra Syria.”

“A humanitarian disaster, of course, but on the side of it, perhaps also a cloak. Something that, after five years of war, and crimes against humanity, marked the end of the terrorsekten ICE. The last scene of the last act.”

“that was probably my expectation. The dashed.”

“Since 2014, I have written more about the Islamic state than about anything else. I have, together with Swedish Kristina Edblom done two large surveys of supporters, funders and recruiters in Sweden. I have met and interviewed several supporters. Young men who are themselves sworn terrorsekten fidelity. “

“Above all, I have met hundreds of people who fled the blodsvågen and the black flag.”

“They executed my son,” said a woman who returned to his home outside Mosul, iraq, just hours after the islamists have been pushed back in the autumn of 2016.”

“They’ve taken everything I own,” said a man who wore his mother on his back outside the kurdish city of Kobani at the same time the year before.”

“– There is nothing to return to, said a mother of a young child who has just arrived in the country after the deadly journey from Turkey to the Greek island of Samos.”

“They were people who have been displaced, while tens of thousands of supporters traveled in the opposite direction to fight for, and populate the caliphate, IS medeltidsutopi. n ”

“Nothing can excuse the one who voluntarily made that choice. He or she have blood on their hands. “

“In the al-Hol, I thought I would feel a sense of remorse. An awakening and resignation in the face of the reality that is now caught up with and crushed the dream of an islamic kingdom precisely where civilisation had its cradle. “

“instead, we were greeted by stone throwing and hat. “

“to the extent that it is repentance, it must reasonably do inside of some of the dirty tents, pressed the back of a self-proclaimed religious police, al-Hisbah, who with threats and violence ensures that the ICE rules are complied with even in captivity. Tents have been burned down and women who have not covered themselves enough has been abused. “

“the Camp is surrounded by military, still, security is porous. Anyone who really wants to smuggle in a självmordsväst in al-Hol will succeed. I fear that it will happen soon. “

“On the site grows to between 60 and 80 children with roots in Sweden. They have not experienced anything other than war. Now they are living in captivity at the svältgränsen and still IS hateful ideology as the sole guiding principle. “

“I came to think of what an ICE-sympathizer once said to me. It was in connection with the terrorrättegången in Göteborg, where the two men stood accused, and later convicted for, to have participated in the execution of two prisoners in Syria.”

” You will never understand me, you and I are thinking on the contrary. All I think is the right think you are wrong, ” he said.”

“All I think is the right think you are wrong”

“In several instances, including the we had just seen a video of two men who got their throats slit with a knife. I looked away, but heard the sound and will never forget it. The man seemed to be the closest to indifferent. “

“If the children in al-Hol are allowed to become adults, there is a great risk that they will become as he. They are on a good path. “

“ICE has lost its physical territory in Iraq and Syria where they ruled over eight million people. The military victory of the US-backed forces are of such magnitude that nothing should be able to travel out of it.”

“Yet it is precisely the fear of rebirth I have home with me. “

“the ICE is not gone: the bombing that killed at least 250 people in Sri Lanka shows that the ideology echoes globally and in Syria and Iraq are the sleeping cells to carry out regular suicide attacks. “

“the Same day as we leave the al-Hol makes the IS leader Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi a sudden videoframträdande after having been quiet for five years. He has been declared dead time and time again, but by all accounts managed to escape the thousands of tons of bombs that rained over his självutropade kingdom. “

“al-Bagdadi celebrated the attack on Sri Lanka and promised revenge on the western world that has taken the caliphate of rubble. “

“the World has stood united in the fight against the Islamic State, but very little has been done to prepare it to take on. Out of it vacuum can a man who al-Bagdadi find a new impetus to mobilsera. “

“It is the history that repeats itself. “

“The part of al-Hol, where the foreign women living with their children, we are allowed to see only at a distance. Only armed guards to move where the hatred is strongest. “