“Civilian killed in regeringsoffensiv against Idlib”

“the Syrian government forces supported by Russia continue the offensive against the jihadistkontrollerade Idlibprovinsen in northwestern Syria. At least nine civilians, including two children, were killed during the fifth day, which was characterised by extensive air raids and artilleribeskjutning in the region.”

“at the same time, fired on the armed groups regeringssidans positions around Idlib.”

“According to the Syrian government attacked only military targets, reports state tv. But, according to the UN humanitarian coordinator in the region has also hospitals, schools and residential areas infested.”

“Idlib have been spared major regimoffensiver after an agreement in september between Russia and Turkey. But then the banned terrorist jihadistalliansen Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), took full control of the area in January, the attacks gained new momentum. According to Moscow, the agreement has not been complied with.”

“Around 200 civilians have been killed in attacks since February and close to 140 000 people according to the UN, forced to flee their homes.”