the Aura of Federal councillor Viola Amherd seems to work. Although the defence Minister has not yet decided anything, bending the opponent already. It’s about the arms deal of the century, the billion dollar purchase of new fighter aircraft and ground-to-air missiles (Bodluv System). SVP and SP wanted to complete the sale in a business. Now, however, you no more defend themselves against a split. Thus, the opportunities for the procurement of the Jets are on the rise as the Civil are now largely in agreement.

The u-turn of the SVP is remarkable. SVP Federal councillor Guy Parmelin laced the aircraft-missile package. Half a year ago, his party wrote that the two businesses should be separated “in no case”. Now, however, Werner Salzmann, national councillor and President of the security Commission no longer defends himself against a Splitting: “The ultimate goal is that both the fighters be procured, such as the Bodluv System. This should not fail because of formal obstacles.” For technical reasons, both parts belong together, as the ground-to-air defense and the air force formed a unified System.

According to Thomas Hurter, the national Council and the Pilot, supported the SVP is now also a fighter of the popular vote. Material purchases did not belong before the people, says Hurter. “Aircraft procurement, arouse emotions, and also the people could have a say already in the F/A-18 and the Gripen.”

Claude Nicollier is Amherds secret weapon

Leading SVP politician decided the realignment this week, after Federal councillor Eveline Amherd experts had presented reports. The former astronauts Claude Nicollier recommended that an isolated approach to the fighter jet-business – and urged to SVP and SP on the Defensive.

the SP also justified its change of course with tactical Considerations. SP-national councillor Priska Seiler count to find it still better, for the people to have an overall view of the air-space defense. “But if there is only one division of the business in a popular vote, so be it,” she says. “For us, it is still most important that a referendum takes place.”

Whether Amherd want to separate the purchases well in fact, she has not communicated yet. However, it would be a Surprise, would you propose to the government, there is no Splitting. In the Federal Council election campaign in the autumn, she said, as we Heard in the Hearings for a separation. In addition, the idea of his own party. CVP and the FDP were the First who wanted to open the package. Now, this resulted in a compromise acceptable to the majority – without Amherd had to reveal their true intentions really are.

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(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 04.05.2019, 23:55 PM