In Venezuela have begun to supporters of the self-appointed transitional President Juan Guaidó on Saturday with marches to military bases. So you want to move the army of resistance against the controversial head of state, Nicolás Maduro.

in The Morning, were several small groups to barracks in the capital Caracas on the way, as a Reporter for the news Agency, reported AFP. “I don’t think this will overthrow the army, but it helps,” said Marcos Rodriguez, a 24-year-old lawyer, his participation.

the barracks of La Carlota was a target of the marches. There Guaidó had called on the army on Tuesday to a survey against Maduro, had failed to do so. His call for protest actions on Saturday justified Guaidó in the short message service Twitter. “The goal is to deliver our message, without getting into a confrontation or a provocation,” he wrote. The soldiers should be presented with a call to the Opposition to join in and get in return an Amnesty.

The army is a Central factor of power in Venezuela and control the immense oil deposits of the South American country. So far, the armed forces, Maduro’s support.

Maduro is demanding that soldiers ‘ obedience

This is called for by the soldiers on Saturday during a visit to a vertex in the state of Cojedes “unity, Cohesion, discipline, obedience, submission, and the highest Loyalty to the Constitution, the Fatherland, the Revolution and the legitimate commander-in-chief”.

At the same time, he called on the army to be in the event of a military Intervention of the United States “is ready to defend the Fatherland with weapons in Hand.


switches With a direct appeal to the Venezuelan people has turned on US-foreign Minister Mike Pompeo in the struggle for power in the South American country.

“Now is the time for a change,” said Pompeo in a video message, which was distributed at the Saturday via the short message service Twitter. “You can make the highest demands on their institutions and their leaders and a return to democracy.”

Pompeo assured Venezuelans who want to overthrow the linsknationalistischen head of state, Nicolás Maduro, with the support of his country. “The USA is aiming firmly at your side,” said the chief US diplomat.

Previously, Pompeo had denounced in a Twitter message, the “limitless” oppression of Venezuelans by Maduro’s government and assured that it was for a “peaceful change” in favor of the self-appointed transitional President Juan Guaidó. Recently, the US had not excluded-the foreign Minister, but also a military intervention of his country in Venezuela. (Dec/sda)

Created: 04.05.2019, 22:33 PM