Deliberate taboo-breaking, party-damaging methods, such as the U.S. President: In the sharp Form has Ex-SPD chief Gabriel Juso-Kühnert-in-chief, and whose socialism is attacking the theses. The latter dismissed the allegations immediately.

In the debate about the socialism theories of Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert has now also the former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel. “Who as a social Democrat, calls for the expropriation and socialization of large industries is not (meant, of course, nationalization, that sounds so nice), the media attention is, of course,” he wrote in a commentary for the “Handelsblatt”.

“100 years of reliable empirical experience with state controlled economies have been taught that you have to go because of the lack of efficiency and quality of bankruptcy and also for the social deprivation of their employees. But the Kühnert ignored,” said Gabriel.