The power struggle in Venezuela is also for a test of strength between the USA and Russia. Who will win in the end: Moscow, Maduro or Washington with Guaidó?

assignments Mutual debt, no compromise in sight – and also the phone call of US Secretary of state, Mike Pompeo helped yesterday with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.

Russia not to support the Venezuelan ruler Maduro, as well as Cuba in the internal Affairs of Venezuela, to interfere, advised Pompeo urgent. That was “destabilizing for Venezuela and for the bilateral relations between the USA and Russia”.

Immediately after the conversation, the Russian wrote to the foreign Ministry, for its part, also little diplomatic, Washington of interfering in the internal Affairs of a sovereign state, threatening the country’s leadership, a blatant violation of international law was that more aggressive steps would have the most severe consequences.

For U.S. foreign Minister Pompeo acting Russia’s actions in Venezuela is “destabilizing”.

For Russia it is a lot of money

At a press conference after foreign Minister Lavrov: “the way I see it, called Mr. Pompeo, so he can later say publicly that he had warned us not to interfere. So it was, too. But here we need to set a point. We want to continue to talk to each other, and also about Venezuela. But I don’t see how our positions are.”

Russia is a long-standing Alliance with the Latin American country on the game, supported with billions of dollars of loans, with massive military equipment was fitted in turn, the Russian oil group Rosneft also bought for billion in deposits. Russia bitter losses, if the government crashes Maduro.