“New drönarregler behind the increase in the number of banned”

“the Number of temporary ban issued by the agency has doubled in five years, reports Swedish Radio” Ekot.”

“An explanation for the development is the new rules for light drones, which took effect in February 2018.”

“– There will be more and more temporary banned in connection with major events – sporting events, demonstrations, and so on. It is based on we have released the rules regarding the drönarverksamhet. It is now allowed to fly drones in more places than ever before, ” says Stefan Svensson, at the police National operations department to the radio.”

“the transport agency makes the decision on the temporary ban. Last year was 130 cases, of which a few were rejected according to the authority. Keep the trend in itself is expected to nearly 200 decisions in years. It can be compared with approximately 50 decisions per year for five to ten years ago.”

“With the rules that apply from February of last year, is not required any permission to fly a drone that weighs less than seven kilos. However, there are restrictions on drönarens height and speed. And the drone must not be flown within five kilometres from an airport without permission.”

“There are also a number of permanent no-fly zones, such as crown princess Victoria’s residence, and a number of military locations. But to establish these zones is a legally more complex process. Still think Stefan Svensson that even applications for permanent no-fly zones will increase.”