the Word is political currency. Not least for a party that both want to acquire real influence and at the same time be an outsider who can heckle the establishment, and attract missnöjesröster.

Therefore don’t like Jimmie Åkesson when it is described as a change of direction, The sweden democrats have put the requirement on the Swedish EU-exit on ice.

– There is no change of direction, I think it is important to point out. I think our kärnväljare have bought this line, we are still fundamentally opposed to supranationalism and the EU as a future federal state

However, the prospects for a Swedish withdrawal is in the best case minimal. There is no public opinion for it, there is no support for it in parliament, we have seen how difficult it has become for the Uk.

you choose so it is no small maneuver, SD the leader do in the face of the elections on 26 may, especially if you look at how he describes his political awakening. It was the EU referendum in 1994, which caused him to leave the Moderate Students and eventually land in The sweden democrats.

” I had a hard time reconciling me with the Conservatives policy. It was during Carl Bildt, perhaps the party that pushed the hardest for EU membership. I have always had a nationalist basis states. For me it was unthinkable that we would go into a supranational union to enact our laws.

– The EUROPE that we have today, I do not think is good but I see an opportunity to perhaps change it. We see a growth of EU-critical parties similar to ours. Then it is the most constructive you can do is to embrace the development rather than simply to oppose them.

It is a fact that nationalist parties is growing across Europe and most likely they will increase their share of seats in the EUROPEAN parliament. But it is the diverse collection, which is currently scattered in three different groups. For SD, it was a great victory when in the end of last year was released into the ECR group dominated by the british Tories and even the residence of the nordic sister-parties Dansk folkeparti and the true finns.

Read more: Guide to the groups that control in the EU-parliament

But now a new crack emerged in the nationalist camp and it cuts right through the nordic community. Dansk folkeparti and the true finns have performed together with the Italian Lega, and expressed approval of the party leader Matteo Salvinis attempt to unify the european nationalists. The Lega is included in the day in the same group in the EUROPEAN parliament as a French Marine Le Pen’s party of National unity (see box).

this development is a fly in the ointment for Jimmie Åkesson. In valplattformen for the EUROPEAN elections highlights how the nordic countries are bound together by ”a thousand years of linguistic, religious and cultural community”. The nordic cooperation within the EU are highlighted as particularly important.

” I’m disappointed and I is taken on the bed. It is not at all the information we have received. It is very thief and rackarspel now. But would Dansk Folkeparti, or the true finns start a cooperation with Le Pen’s party so I see it as incomprehensible. To a nationalist Finnish party is merging with Rysslandsvänner from France, I find it very difficult to understand it.

” There are parties that we have said that we will not cooperate with, and, above all, Le Pen’s party. It is primarily linked to their view on Russia. We see it as problematic. We are a country in an exposed geopolitical position and a more aggressive Russia is a threat, indirectly, also against Sweden.

” He gets things done and is a media figure. The Lega Nord is a party which we have rejected to cooperate with but it is a party that have gone in a better direction. It has also Le Pen has done, it is well, therefore, changed the name, you want to get away from the old and make something that is more serious and modern, and not so extreme, says Jimmie Åkesson.

– There are those who say it and they are as far as I understand tight linked to Le Pen and it is not at all unlikely that there will be a cooperation between them. Then there is nothing for us.

” No, it’s a pretty new game for me. It may take some time to follow up on what becomes of it.

– If you hold a joint press conference with a clear statement of intent to do something together so it means something.. yes, I didn’t know about it.

” I had absolutely expected it.

– You must see the EUROPEAN parliament for what it is. You need to get together flags and members to gain influence and to speak. So I understand that it is probing and is prepared to depart to make a difference but we have chosen another way. We are consistent in it, and they seem to choose not to be there, and it is allowed to stand for them.

– It is a long-term ambition but I am not sure that our role will be to search us to the parties which we are traditionally associated with, but rather seek us towards a more traditional conservative movement as an EU-reformist. A bit like the Dansk Folkeparti and the true finns have done in the past but they now seem to deviate from. The only way to challenge vänsterliberalismen is to nationalkonservativa and the military and the christian democratic parties can agree on certain principles. I think that in the long term is entirely possible, but I don’t think it is Salvini and Le Pen, who will collect it, on the contrary.

Read more: Conservative block among voters is visible in the DN/Ipsos

SD says no to any form of supranationalism. Jimmie Åkesson points out that the party is in favour of the internal market. Shared responsibility for the EU’s external border, support also.

But when Jimmie Åkesson talking about changing the EU from within, it is about power to be moved back from Brussels to Stockholm. A central issue for him is that Sweden should not need to ask permission of the commission to establish border controls. He is also a strong opponent of the social pillar, a principprogram which according to critics will give the EU power over such as social security and labour market rules.

Read more: Dansk Folkeparti strengthens the ties to Le Pen,

It is not just about individual issues. Jimmie Åkesson wants to change the EU’s basic functioning.

” I want more of asymmetrical cooperation. Sweden should cooperate as much as possible with the other where it is good for Sweden, but you don’t need to equalize everything. It is a threat to a Europe that is very diversified, we are many different cultures and that we should safeguard.

– Then there will be a voluntary cooperation and not a mandatory supranational cooperation. It is the one that is the big dividing line.

” There is talk sometimes of an a – and B-teams in the EU and I have no problem with. I like to see that there are several different levels of membership: this agreement does not suit us but we would like to be with in this.

– It must not be so complex. It tends to constantly grow and become increasingly uniform. I am absolutely for the internal market, but we had trade before. It works great for Switzerland.

Read more: Nationalist wave is targeted on the playing field