the cost of energy: Between 855 to 2.325 € /year.
Tip: Select appliances with good miljöenergimärkning, the best is A+++. Maintain the right temperature, it is sufficient if the top of the fridge holds eight degrees. Verify that the infrysningsknappen is on. Do not place hot food in the fridge, it uses electricity to cool down the. Tina, however, like frozen food in the fridge.
Cost: 750 sek/ year.
It can go to three times more electricity to wash the dishes by hand than by machine. Do not rinse the disk before dishwasher-safe. Have the machine connected to the cold water, heats the water only for the disk and rinse. Use the eco-program, and low temperature. Select your machine with a good energy label, the best is A+++
Cost: Induction cooktop approximately 315 sek per year, oven 225 sek/year
Tips: the Stove along with the oven and the fan is a heavy energy cost. Boil water in a kettle or micro instead. Select the correct size of the plate, use containers with a flat bottom. Always use the lock, close the tray and cook in the reheater.
Cost: Standby, Tv 225 sek/year, the standby computer 188 sek/year, the chargers are 75 sek/year.
Tip: Unplug any charger that’s not charging. Turn off the tv manually and not with remote control.
Cost: Washing machine 375 sek/year, dry cleaners 315 sek/year.
Tips: Dry the clothing draws often take three times more energy than washing them. Centrifuge the well, of at least 1200 rpm before drying. Select energy-efficient machines, A++. Wash full load, 40 degrees is sufficient for moderately soiled laundry.
Charge: incandescent light Bulb $ 165/year, energy-saving lamp 39 sek/year, the LED lamp 27 usd/year
Tips: Replace all lights to LED. Extinguish the lights when you’re not in the room.
Cost: kaffebrygg 450 sek/year, micro 98 sek/year, vacuum cleaner 75 sek/year
Tips: Have a timer for all electrical appliances so that they are used effectively. Select energy-efficient appliances.
Normalpersonen makes off with 200 gallons of water per day. Do not let the shower sprinkle when you schamponerar you. Do not flush to water when you are brushing your teeth. With low-flow faucets and shower head you can halve the quantity of water and reduce the heat consumption.
Normaltemperaturen should be around 21 C and a few degrees lower in the bedroom. Each degree of reduction decreases energy use by approximately five per cent. Lower the heat when you go away and settle the rooms according to the needs.
the Cost shows snittförbrukningen for household appliances. The price of electricity is about 1.5 cents/kWh2.
Source: the Energy and klimatrådgivningen, the city of Stockholm.
the Guide: As you become more climate-smart