“Prosecuted after knivattack in the supermarket”
“A man who knivskar a woman at Ica Maxi in Olofström in march are being prosecuted for two counts of attempted murder, reports the P4 Blekinge.”
“the Man, who is in his 50s and are suspected to be suffering from a mental disorder, is in prison after having attacked and stabbed the woman inside the grocery shop. Just before the attack is suspected to have tried to stab a man in the back in the same store.”
“The attacked was saved, however, by a backpack with a tablet and found the never that he was stabbed.”
“the Police could after seeing the incident on the like from the shop to track down the victim. The knife that was found came from the store’s assortment. Then the blade is gone by believed the man to have taken another knife he used in the attack against the woman. She had serious injuries.”
“the Man himself has, according to the radio stated that he planned to stab someone, but not with the intent to kill.”
“the national laboratory of forensic science have previously noted, after carrying out a minor forensic psychiatric examination of the man – that he may be suffering from a serious mental disorder. The man will undergo a major psychiatric examination.”