Actually, the Federal Council time, the SVP Initiative for the termination of the free movement of persons until the end would push the year. The Federal Council could prevent the big immigration debate before the elections. Now, however, want to make the lead Minister of justice, Karin Keller-Sutter forward. The most ambitious plans, according to various independent sources, that the Federal Council approved the Initiative in June and presented already in August, the commissions and the Parliament.
Behind Europe’s political calculus. In July, the Federal Council of the EU must give notice if he writes the draft of the framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU. Following the consultations this spring, the answer may be hot, but only provisional, no, it needs further negotiation. Thus, the risk that Brussels responded with harsh counter-measures, instead of renegotiations to take. A Swiss debate about the termination of the initiative is to hold Brussels. A high Federal official says: “With the early debate on the Initiative, we can create analogously to the Brexit a Schwexit-Situation, we are discussing a withdrawal from the EU partnership.” In this Situation, it could make the EU, with tough penalties for any termination of measures to provoke.
domestically, the strategy is for the Federal government parties SP, FDP and CVP risky. Because you could play in the elections in the autumn of of SVP in the Hand. The people’s party is currently suffering because of your current issues to get the voters to the polls. Now, however, a similar Situation as before the election in 2015.
SVP-group chief reactivated the immigration debate
at the Time, the SVP in the year won the elections, the vote on the mass immigration initiative. In the result, the issue of immigration was set. It was exacerbated by the debate on the implementation of the Initiative. In addition, the immigration increase to a record high of 80’000 people per year. In the fall of 2015, the SVP won after earlier modest poll numbers, the elections with the record earnings of 29.4 percent. Once again, four years previously, had been discussed in the Wake of Fukushima on the environment and climate, and the SVP was promptly dropped from 29 to 26 percent.
This fall will turn the debate to the termination of the initiative, which calls in still absoluterer the Form of the phase-out of free movement of persons, than in the case of the mass immigration initiative was not the case. And the SVP will refer to the numbers since the recent rise in Immigration. After a year-long decline in the statistics since the beginning of 2019 for the first time, again an increase in immigration. An extrapolation of the January and February figures, a migration of over 60’000 people for 2019 close. The SVP can hope the climate debate through a discussion of Foreigners to replace and to mobilize their voters. SVP-President Albert Rösti freuts: “A discussion about 60’000 immigrants brings us back into the game.”
This week, made it clear to the SVP-group chief Thomas Aeschi with two actions that the party is already working to reactivate the issue of immigration: He put on Twitter targeted provocations that gave him Trouble, but still more attention. The ski lift in Engelberg OW in the queue standing, he complained about the excessive tourism in Switzerland. To this end, he wrote: “As a skier, it’s hard to get to the summit.” The immigration belong to “independently controlled”. Days later the same again: Aeschi informed that he was stuck in a traffic jam. The comment: “Green, SP, CVP and FDP want to continue to leave every ten years, 1 Million immigrants new to Switzerland.”
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(Sunday newspaper)
Created: 28.04.2019, 11:13 PM