Tight Course with party leader Rasmus Paludan in the lead has now the first folketingskandidat clear, after the Saturday achieved enough vælgererklæringer to stand up to the upcoming elections.

The first candidate in addition to the City of the extremist and highly islamkritiske party is provokunstneren Uwe Max Jensen. It confirms the candidate on his Facebook profile:

‘Rasmus Paludan asked me about it, I will make up for the Tight Course to the general election. After a short betænkningsperiode I have chosen to answer yes. So I arrive on the ballot at the firm for the elections’, writes Uwe Max Jensen.

‘of course I completely agree with the firm ’s criticism of islam and utøjlet mass immigration. During the campaign, I will also help to draw attention to the firm’s slogan: “the greatest possible happiness to the largest number of ethnic danes. Thanks to Rasmus Paludan and the firm’s management for showing me this confidence.’

Uwe Max Jensen is known for several nude-happenings, where he bl.a. has been arrested by the police for his performances.

Uwe Max Jensen is arrested by the police after a nude happening in Viborg, where the artist would have to go naked through the city together with a somali muslim. They should have kept, respectively. a koran and a bible. The somali man appeared, however, never up. Photo: Claus Bonnerup

Extra Magazine trying to get a comment from Uwe Max Jensen.
