A good genitalt self-image is linked with a good sex life.

It is the conclusion of a major scientific study where the researchers examined more than 6,000 canadian men and women’s thoughts about their own genitals and sexoplevelser.

Your genital self-image is not a selfie of the penis/vagina, which you send in the hope that the recipient will be thrilled. It is, however, what you actually think about your own genitals.

Other studies have found that not only the bodily self-image, but also more specifically the genital has a decisive influence on how sexual arousal is experienced.

The 6228 participants were found on the discussion forum reddit.com. They completed various questionnaires on genitalt self-image of bodily self-image and satisfaction with sexual arousal as well as and their sexual functions.

Analysis showed the following results:

for Both women and men hang a positive image of their own genitals, along with a good bodily self-image and fewer kropsrelatede concerns in connection with sex, especially in relation to sexpræstationer.

Furthermore, the researchers note that women increased the satisfaction with sexual arousal as the genital self-image was better: The women who were most satisfied with the sexual, too, was happier for the most intimate body parts.

the Researchers conclude that women, in particular, it applies well, good genital self-image is far more critical to a good sex life than the positive body image and other kroprelaterede thoughts.

Sex & cohabitation – 28. aug. 2017 – at. 23:54 It seems the men on their hangups

We took hold of the orgasmeekpert and sexologist Katrine Berling, who for many years has worked with the just the woman’s vision on your own body and sex:

– Our ‘body-image’ and our relation to our gender is the foundation that we can have good sex. For the simple reason that if we do not have it good in our own body, it will be difficult for us to give us sexual, ” says Berling.

– how can I enjoy my sex and its many opportunities for enjoyment, if I don’t like about it, know it or will touch it though..?

– How can I let a man love and admire my gender, if I even is and think ‘ad is disgusting’?

According to Berling, there is a big gift to begin to see himself and his sex with other eyes, but it is often a process that takes a bit of time:

– When I work with women who want to keep more of their gender and learn it is better to know, looking for the first step they can take. It will be different from woman to woman.

– For a it could be to place a hand on the panty, brand contact, and say something nice to themselves. For another woman it could be to look at themselves in a mirror, talking or writing about his relationship to sex or genitals in general.

– It could be that the start to touch themselves to the outside of the vaginal lips, and then slowly move into the day, ” says Berling. often doing a little visualiseringsøvelse, which connects his heart with his sex:

– one keeps a hand on his heart and one hand on her sex. So pulls you breathing in in the heart on the inhalation, and feel the love inside of yourself, and on an exhalation sends you the love, the heat energy down into her sex. Keeps the mind a little down in her sex, Smiling to himself. And draws so the weather into the heart again. To be continued in 10 minutes.

Katrine Berling doing workshop, where some of these techniques are being used. For the time being she makes along Louise Sarrah Wolffsen, idékvinde behind kussevendespillet Pussy Memo, the workshop, the Pussy Power and Pleasure.

Here, the focus is the woman, who would like to be intimate and loving with his own body, emancipate themselves through to take ownership of his women and his whole body, be witnessed in its process, femininity and vulnerability of the other women, meeting sex in a safe environment, as well as get in touch with her female essence.

Sex & cohabitation – 20. aug. 2017 – at. 22:21 How to get women orgasms

Kønsdebattører and sexforskere have long claimed that many women feel that their sex seems strange which can allegedly lead to a bad genitalt self-image and poor sex life.

But what can you do about it?

well, according to researchers from the Netherlands, women just see a lot of kussefotos.

In the study were 43 young women divided into two groups. The one as on the images of ‘natural’ vulvaer, the other on naturfotos.

the Participants ‘ genital self-image was measured immediately before and after the experiment and again after two weeks.

in Addition, measured also the women’s sexual functions, sexstress and self-esteem.

It turned out that most of the to begin with overall it did just fine with their own genitals, but the group that had seen kussefotos, got an even more positive genitalt self-image. Also after 14 days.

It gets the researchers to propose that women who are considering getting intimkirurgi, should see pictures of a lot of different vulvaer.