In times of climate crisis is a field increasingly in the focus, the have made many so far, probably little thought: the waste of food. It is also in Switzerland, tons of the, what is the meaning of the coin is Food-Waste. According to the Website food there are about 2 million tons, or just under 300 kilograms per head per year. An App is supposed to help minimize this waste.

Too Good To Go, 2015 is launching in Denmark, follows a very simple concept: Restaurants, bakeries, and supermarkets offer surplus goods at reduced prices in a so-called piñata. The user can buy this via the App, it has, as long as it has. Is picked up in a specified window of time – what the buyer will receive exactly varies from day to day. Over 13 million meals were thrown away yet.

Rescued meals in Germany: 238’000

In Switzerland there are Too Good To Go already for 2016, since last year, with a Team, sitting in the Zurich Seefeld. Rescued meals in Germany: 238’000, and the trend is quickly rising. Almost 1000 companies participate already in Switzerland, including major brands such as Migros, Globus, or Tibits. Coop is currently taking part only with a Karma-Download in train.

Currently, the App is growing very strongly, confirmed Delila Kurtovic, the Swiss arm Around 1500 times, they would be downloaded every day in Switzerland. A direct connection with the climate strikes of the last few weeks you don’t see, but she notes: “In the minds of the people has changed a lot.” But Too Good To Go don’t want to be just a technical solution. “We see ourselves not as an App, but as a movement that promotes food rescue. On the App, we want to reach as many people as possible and attention for the topic generate” stresses Kurtovic.

And the Partner? For Tibits, the own values reflected in the App: “We see ourselves always as a sustainable company,” says co-founder Reto. “Through the cooperation with’ Too Good To Go, we can expand our idea of sustainability even more, and Food Waste can be avoided.” The more effort to hold the branches in limits: An employee from the draw of the sold portions, “in addition, the offer must be examined in the evening on a regular basis, to assess how many servings we the App can provide”. If so but food be saved, take the effort in purchase.

The Financial is not in the foreground

But it is worth it financially? Free balances: “The income and the additional expenses to cover. A Profit is not but also, and primarily, our objective in this collaboration.”

Also at the globe you see in Too-Good-To-Go is a helpful extension of his own commitment: “the globe has already before the partnership with Too-Good-To-Go local projects that the Food Waste is counteracted. With the App globe has now found a contemporary and useful Form, to dispose of food and Take-away food in a sustainable way”, says Marcela Palek, spokesperson of the Department store. On the question of cost and more revenue through the App, she answers diplomatically: “The sustainability and the reduction of Food Waste in this project is clearly in the foreground.”

the idea is caught, also in the 6 million Euro (good for 6.83 million Swiss francs), which was able to secure the companies in a recently completed round of financing from investors. In ten European countries, Too-Good-To-Go is already on the market, with Poland, the eleventh will be added in the near future. Revenue is generated in the Start-up directly from the sales: It keeps in Switzerland, a Commission of 2.90 francs per sold meal. “This allows us to remain as a company regardless. We believe that we can achieve more than as a Non-Profit organization,” explains Delilah Kurtovic, the choice of business model.


And how does that work, exactly work? After Downloading the App onto a Smartphone, an account is created and a payment option, stored – currently, a credit card or a Paypal account. The desired food through the “Discover”mode, using a list that is sorted by distance to the own location or on a map. You can select individual deals is also considered a favorite.

Selects one of the offers, the price, the remaining number of units and a description of the party and the piñata. The Abholfenster is also displayed. If you buy something that appears at the bottom of the screen, a permanent reminder, a proof of purchase is stored in the corresponding menu field.

Too-Good-To-Go requires from the user some flexibility: The Abholfenster are often only a half-hour of gross, Restaurants, schedule the pick-up time often later in the evening after 21 hours. Either you pick up the food for the next day, or eat a late dinner. There is also the Option to make only vegetarian offerings show, some shops and Restaurants also offer vegan compilations.

At the bakery, you pay only one-third

The test purchase in a bakery in the neighborhood of the Editor everything runs smoothly: The seller knows about it, and confirmed routinely by the pick-up on the phone. I leave the Store with a still-fresh bread, a Salami Sandwich, and even the salad wilts, and a Vanilla bean – all for the price of the bread. Three of the four customers can pick up something with a Too-Good-To-Go Reserved is an indicator that the offer will be used. The seller confirms the suspicion a lot of effort, you don’t have to, you must, however, at an early stage of thought, what you have to offer in the App.

The test purchase: A loaf of bread, a Sandwich, a vanilla bar. Everything is still fresh.

If any offer to purchase such convinced how the one-time test, of course. Who is flexible, likes a pair of Stutz saves and to whom these purchases convey the feeling that he had done something Good, is Too Good To Go.

The App of Too-Good-To-Go is free for Android and iOS available. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 27.04.2019, 17:46 PM