“Tradition must not go before democracy”
“Slutreplik from the Republican association of our system of government”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Republican association’s chairman, Ulf Bergström, targeted recently strong criticism against the royal family and some of the things that makes this institution democratic. “
“the Association is working to abolish the monarchy and replace it with a democratic system of government, namely a republic. We believe that it is not possible to reconcile the arvsmonarki and democracy in a modern country at the millennium.”
“To the monarchy’s defense snatches förbundsordföranden for the KDU. Martin Hallander claims in his reply that the monarchy is ”among the finest institutions we have,” and claim that it is better to have an apolitical head of state than an elected who can express their opinions on important issues. It is hardly surprising that precisely the KDU are the ones that set themselves between us and the arvsmonarkin, then one is more anxious to preserve traditions than to promote democracy.”
“Hallander argues that the monarchy must be the promotion of democracy because many of the most democratic countries are monarchies. What Hallander forget is that these countries are functioning democracies, despite the monarchy, not thanks to it. “
“There is no causal link between the arvsmonarki and placement on, for example, the Economist demokratiindex. Rather, there are other important things in common for these top rankings, both geographically and historically, and culturally. In the bottom of the same list we find countries such as north Korea, Syria, and saudi Arabia. Also there are countries where the head of state, inherited his office.”
“To say that the monarchy needs to be democratic because we have not yet abolished it, which is to say that the limited vote was democratic until we introduced universal suffrage. The argument does not hold, and instead shines a hard-edged conservatism through. “
“the Desire to preserve the traditions and old customs are significant for a covenant KDU. Conservatism is not necessarily a bad thing, but this conservatism is so dogmatic that you choose to turn a blind eye to the obvious democratic deficiencies arvsmonarkin represents, and rationalize them with fake kausaliteter and känsloargument.”
“the Monarchy is a fundamentally conservative institution. It has thwarted the development of Swedish democracy in every way it could. King Gustav V was opposed to universal suffrage, but finally got to bend down for this inevitable reform. “
“Our current head of state has always been critical to allowing women to inherit the throne, and would have preferred his son to become head of state one day. It must be embarrassing for KDU to so eagerly defend an institution that obviously does not cherish the Swedish democracy.”
“nLisa Bjurwald, board member, Republican föreningennAza Cheragwandi, president of the Young Republicans”
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“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”