the european Elections are not like the other options. It is much more common that voters are breaking their usual pattern and are voting in smaller and newer parties. What is then better for these parties to present a candidate who is known in the country, which, hopefully, we can pull the votes?

Here is a selection of people who want to become Meps.

Ilie Nastase, a contemporary of our own tennishjälte Björn Borg, setting up for the party, UNPR, a splinter group from the social democrats. Nastase, one of the tennisvärldens ”bad boys”, have already called into question since he’d thrown a cup of coffee on an election campaign poster with the videos from a political opponent. It’ll be difficult for Ilie Nastase in the EU-the european parliament, because Romania has a valspärr of five percent.

Ieva Ilves, a computer expert, diplomat and the wife of former president of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, a candidate for the liberal AP that was formed a year ago.

if she is elected she is likely to be in the parliament to encounter another one of the former wives Ilves.

Evelin Ilves, a trained doctor, was in fact wife number two to republic of estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves. She is standing for the Green party in Estonia. Wife number one is american and the candidate does not, for the wondering.

On the theme of family is the worst, there are two women who can make life miserable for their brethren. Rachel Johnson, author of erotic fiction in Notting Hill-the environment, former journalist at the Financial Times and known from tv, is the sister of former foreign minister Boris Johnson. Unlike him, she is strong EU supporters and are high on the list for nybilade party Change UK.

Rachel Johnson has previously voted on the conservative Tories and the liberal democrats.

A extremely faithful to the Toryväljare who is now a candidate for Nigel Farage Brexitparti is a freelance journalist Annunziata Rees-Mogg. Let the name familiar to you? Her brother is no less than superbrexitören and Toryledamoten Jacob Rees-Mogg.

the Family Rees-Mogg is a dynasty in the conservative party. Annunziata Rees-Mogg became a member when she was five years old and was with and knocked the door when she was eight. So the defection to the Farage newly formed party is a substantial reversal of the trend.

unlike Rees-Mogg and Johnson makes Nicholas Barnier significantly less partiförflyttning. This frenchman, the son of conservative Brexitförhandlaren Michel Barnier, a candidate for the belgian liberal party, MR.

Barnier is not the only foreign candidate in Belgium. Dutch neelie Kroes, former EU commissioner, had no place in their liberal party list in their home country and set up for a belgian sister party, the Open VLD.

in Addition, candidate exile-katalanen Carles Puigdemont, resident in Belgium since 2017, for its Catalan party. He hopes to get elected and get parliamentary immunity in order to be able to return to Spain. Where threatened he is by the prosecution for rebellion in connection with the parliament of Catalonia proclaimed independence.

the Most spectacular nationsbytet is Greece’s former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, he slid in the road on his big motorcycle during the worst of the euro crisis. Of all the EU countries, he has chosen to stand with his left-Diem 25 in Germany. The country hardest-pressed Greece to trigger massive cuts and privatisations in a large-scale debt restructuring.

the Brigitte Bardot was on the way to stand. The film star, who broke through in ”And God created woman”, and became their initials BB with a whole world during the 1950s and 60s, is now the animal rights activist.

Possibly decided 84-year-old BB to spend pensionärslivet in a better place than in the european Parliament. Now she is the only supporter of the Party Animalist, which was formed in 2016, and has just the animal’s best interests at heart.

the 82-year-old Silvio Berlusconi seems to want to add yet another title to her résumé – an Mep. He has been Italian prime minister three times, most recently in 2011, and a candidate for his party Forza Italia.

Berlusconi surely look the same opportunities as Carles Puigdemont, to get parliamentary immunity from the judiciary’s long arm. Berlusconi is sentenced for tax evasion, but has figured in corruption cases and sexualbrottsutredningar. A further trial, to have bribed people to testify for Berlusconi’s benefit, is time.

Here, at home, on the green Party understood how important it is to have a known name on the ballot in the european Elections. The party has committed the meteorologist and klimatexperten Pär Holmgren, who got half of Sweden is to put kvällskaffet in the esophagus when he showed up with his hårdrockarstil in the tv box in the late 1980-90’s.

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