The case caused a sensation: In the Bavarian town of Georgensgmünd, a special police unit was on an early Morning in October 2016, in the house of Wolfgang P. bearing to seize weapons. This opened the fire and shot eleven times through the locked door. Four police officers were injured, one of them died later of his injuries. Wolfgang P. belonged to the Reich citizenship scene, the refuses, the Federal Republic of Germany as a state to recognise. Wolfgang P. lived in a world of conspiracy theories. As the police were advancing, it was, for him, logically, to respond with force of arms. The representative of an illegitimate state for Wolfgang P. part of a large-scale conspiracy.
The case of Wolfgang P. is an extreme case, because to come here, his conspiracy mentality, a propensity for violence. According to a popular Definition, it is a conspiracy theory, the Belief that there is a secret Plan on the part of a malicious group, or were, important events with partly secret means to bring about or to influence. One of the most famous conspiracy theories of those 11. September 2001. The conspiracy theorists do not believe in the official Version of a terrorist attack. You suspect the CIA as the puppet master behind the tragedy of 9/11. The number of conspiracy theories is as large as the human imagination.
conspiracy theories there is, however, not only in small, whimsical circles. Consent to the use in the General population of modern societies, as studies have shown already. A study of conflict researchers at the University of Bielefeld on behalf of the SPD-affiliated Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation in Germany confirms this finding and provides Figures that can sit up and take notice.
distrust in politicians, the media and the experts
“the conspiracy mentality is widespread in Germany”, said in the published on Thursday in “a study of Lost middle – Hostile conditions”. The so-called mid-study analyses, since 2002, anti-democratic attitudes in the German population. According to the study, hostility to Democracy, and conspiracy theories.
on the Basis of surveys, the Bielefeld researchers determined the social dissemination of conspiracy mentality and Science and xenophobia, including climate change denial. The respondents were presented with five statements. You had to say, whether you agree with the following statements or not.
There are secret organizations that have great influence on political decisions. Consent: 45.7 Percent. Politicians and other leaders are just puppets of the underlying powers. Consent: 32.7 Percent. The media and the policy stuck under a blanket. Consent: 24.2 Percent. I trust my feelings more than so-called experts. Consent: 50.4 Percent. Studies, the evidence of climate change, are mostly fake. Consent: 11.6 Percent.
In addition, the center study found that men (43.9 per cent) believe tend to be more in conspiracy theories than women (33.9 percent) and that education plays a role in the conspiracy mentality. People with low and medium level of education (48.6 per cent, respectively, 42.2 percent) are significantly more susceptible to conspiracy theories than persons with a high level of education (25.3 per cent).
Not matter the age, place of residence and occupation play against. However, people who agree with conspiracy theories, assess their own economic situation tends to be negative, especially in comparison to living in a country to foreign persons. The same finding also applies to the General economic situation in Germany: conspiracy theorists seem to see this rather pessimistic.
people believe, in particular, to conspiracy theories, if you experience loss of control. You can have different voice and different reasons for this: the sudden Leave after a long relationship in the short term uncertain times in the professional to total social upheaval. The loss of control is compensated by the world for explanations of power that are no. In these alternative explanations, there are also scapegoats.
conspiracy theories promote enmity
The proliferation of conspiracy theories has, according to the center study, serious consequences for the society and the democracy. If, for example, political elites are seen as part of a conspiracy, it follows a democracy of mistrust. Also: anyone Who clings to conspiracy theories, is more prone to people hostile settings, such as Muslim and xenophobia or anti-Semitism. It is no coincidence that the supporters of the conspiracy theories, especially in the case of populist movements and Anti-System parties occur frequently.
A healthy scepticism towards authorities and institutions, was not appropriate for a functioning democracy, but necessary, say it in the middle of study. “If such a skepticism tilts, however, fundamental mistrust, conspiracy mentality is a burden in the everyday.” And more: “will be added to the General distrust violence approval and willingness to use violence, created an explosive Cocktail, which not only endangers the social cohesion, but also the basic democratic consensus.” (Tages-Anzeiger)
Created: 26.04.2019, 20:38 PM