thousands of homes were flooded, a number of people brought to safety After heavy rain huge masses of water are pushed, by Canada and threaten the capital city of Ottawa.
Around 400 soldiers to help protect the canadian capital of Ottawa in front of the water masses. Sand bags and flood barriers erected. The authorities fear that the water could exceed levels of the Ottawa river, the flood two years ago.
Until Saturday morning local time, warns the environment Agency, could fall to 35 mm of additional rain. Doug Ford, the Premier of the province of Ontario, in the Ottawa, also makes the climate change as the cause responsible. After his encounters with the flood victims, he said, the fate of Individual tear almost the heart.
a state of emergency and evacuations
Since Thursday is for Ottawa is the exception, to organize relief measures. Across the river to Gatineau, located in the province of Quebec. Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin fears, the highs could continue for weeks, since the melt water from the North have not reached the canadian South.
In the province of Quebec, more than 3,000 houses are all under water. More than 2300 were included. There is a dam also. The masses of water, the roar of the more than 100-year-old “Bell, Falls Dam”, have already led to forced evacuations. This was purely a precautionary measure, authorities said. The structure of the building is solid – in spite of a thousand-year flood.
state of emergency in Canada’s capital city – Floods after heavy rains
Kai, Clement, ARD New York
26.04.2019 20:37 PM
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a state of emergency in Canada’s capital city – Floods after heavy rains, Kai, Clement, ARD New York |audio After heavy rainfall: Floods in Canada |video Atlas |Canada |Ottawa