“Men over 50 prostatatestas in Västra Götaland”

“All men over the age of 50 years in the Western region of västra Götaland, will, beginning in 2020, to be offered to be tested for prostate cancer. It decided the region’s Health and sjukvårdsstyrelse on Thursday.”

“– this means that we take a substantial step for an increased health inequalities, ” says Håkan Linnarsson (S) oppositionsregionråd and the second vice-chairman of the Health and sjukvårdsstyrelsen, to Göteborgs-Posten.”

“From the beginning, it is about men born in 1970, 71 and 72 in the region which receive the offer of a so-called PSA test.”

“If there is something that speaks to it gets worse for people, which I find hard to believe, so it will be fully configured, 2029, and include all men in the region between 50 and 74 years,” says Håkan Linnarsson.”

“Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. Every year, die also the 400 men in the region of the prostate. Nevertheless, it has so far been no regular sampling for men at risk.”