– We are set to continue to increase in the military capacity. But we do not want to lock ourselves to the exact level of economic development now. Today I could not say, ”we are prepared to go in with X number of billions”, but it may be a negotiation at a later stage, ” says Peter Hultqvist, in an interview at the ministry of Defense.
His announcement comes since the DN in the several articles reported that the work of the defense in danger of collapsing. The preparation, where all the eight parliamentary parties are included, prepares a substantial increase of defence spending. It is supported unanimously by the four bourgeois parties, which criticize the social democrats for not giving clear answers – despite the fact that the preparation must soon be ready with its final report.
” I’m not going to speculate on whether the one or the other of those issues.
– up Until 14 may, work is underway in preparation and we’ll see what happens during that time. I’m not going to comment on the committee’s work, answer the secretary of defense.
the Committee’s chairman is the former minister of defence Björn von Sydow (S). In its first report, ”Resilience” in december 2017, had earlier formulations, that an attack on Sweden is unlikely, has been deleted.
Instead, beat the preparation in today’s inferior security position, so can attack on Sweden will no longer be excluded. Then followed confusion when prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) in January 2018, during the rikskonferensen in Sälen, played down the outcome of the negotiations. ”They’ve just moved around sentences”, said Wallström.
if the economy contributed to the Conservatives in an interview with DN on Wednesday demanded that the (S) clarifies its view of the preparation. Peter Hultqvist will now respond to the preparation ”of course,” forms the basis for the government’s proposal to the riksdag in the spring of 2020 on the development of the defence system in the years 2021-2025.
– It is a very serious, wide and wide-ranging work, which of course is the foundation for the next food. Then we will see, there is a process in everything, ” says Peter Hultqvist.
the stumbling block is the economy, where the government and the bourgeois disagrees. The report means a stronger military and civil defense which will be financed by a stepwise, 50% increase of defence spending by 2025. They would then be 1.6% of gross domestic product, compared with 1 percent in the day – or in cash, an increase from 54 billion per year to 84 by the year 2025.
The centre-right members see the proposal as a complete package with the specified price. But the last month has Peter Hultqvist next gathering, the proposals must fit within the economic framework. He also wants to have a list of försvarsprojekt that can be stopped if the economic framework spräcks, which the bourgeois is received.
” We want to make up for the economic framework as we have all the papers on the table and can put it into a political whole, said the minister.
He wants to see the armed forces ‘official cost estimate of the proposals ‘black on white’. Then it will be the autumn negotiations between the parties on defence spending, according to the minister. The result should then be the basis for the proposals the government submits to the parliament next spring for the years 2021-2025.
food from 2015 has proved to be underfunded by tens of billions of dollars. Four times has S-MP-the government made up the bourgeois parties on the new miljardtillskott. It has led to investigations and audits, and a tighter financial control by the authorities.
– the Risks of under-funding is a real problem. I choose to talk about this openly. We want it is the orderliness in the economy and that the future will be reduced is as informed as possible. It erodes the confidence of the public if you are forced to these renegotiations time and again. When you’ll get there with the extra money – then taken it from something else.
” of course It is big money and that alone is an argument for doing such a thorough job as possible. We want to make a decision where the financial framework is agreed actually. We want to have a fierce respect for the agreed framework, and the signal is very clear for all, ” answers Peter Hultqvist.