One of the information which Emmanuel Macron gave during his speech to the French people on Thursday he wants to put down the École Nationale dAdministration (ENA), the French elite universities, which since the second world war, the end fitted so well to the French government, as the private sector with topputbildade politicians and officials.

It is seen by many as a symbolic act and as a response to the ”people’s” explicit desire to reduce the gap between the elite and the people, a gap that has been the constant focus since the yellow vests began their protests in november last year.

” of equality and justice – lifting the need to increase diversity in the recruitment of students to the training. He also wants to increase opportunities for people with different social backgrounds to make careers as civil servants – not least for representation’s sake.

– Reflects them as in the day working in our administration of our population? No, it does not. We have to change that, said Emmanuel Macron in his speech.

the Discussion on a reform of the ONE has been going on for some time. Then, during the last week leaked out that Macron had no intention to completely put down the school, the debate has raged – and is described as a ”chockbesked”. Many questions remain, and during the century was Emmanuel Macron is very vague when it came to how he looks at what in that case to replace the institutions that the ONE represents in the day.

gone ONE day basically guaranteed a job for life in the French state apparatus, something Emmanuel Macron believes is wrong.

Read more: Unpopular Macron loading on the eve of the ”act two”