Mrs. Brunner, WHO has for the first time issued guidelines for the on-screen time of under 5-Year-olds. For under 1 Year old no screen is recommended: time. For 2 – to 5-Year-old one hour per day: max. You will find the useful?
We tell parents that there is no generally valid recipe. Each child reacts differently. There are children who can already at the age of less than three years, without problems one hour of television, other children are nervous, after ten minutes extremely.
without a specific time, there are still rules of thumb?
We rely on the so-called 3P-rule – 3-6-9-12 – the French child psychiatrist Serge Tisseron. Until a child is three years old, it should be able to be feeling of time and space to develop, it should smell learn to keys to to taste. These skills can children learn over the screen.
What are for you the biggest taboos?
media in the bedroom are a big issue. Especially in children, is due to be out: Smartphones and Tablets. Studies, such as the Mike-study 2017, show that children and young people can develop sleep disorders if you play before going to bed with the Smartphone. An offline zone, in which no one has a Smartphone, can also be the dining table or on the Playground, and for parents and children. In the case of smaller children, it is also important that you never leave unattended digital devices use.
there Is already the first effects that children develop later haptic abilities because they depend too much on the screen?
From kindergartens, we hear again and again that children are, in part, well-versed, extremely in the application of digital media, for example, Gamen, however, hardly know how to play with blocks or with a pen, pencil, paint something. The screen and analog time together, strongly correlated with the education. The parents have the time to deal with the child and play with the child? Also the socio-economic Background plays often a role. The haptic skills are developed in a child, it starts often with a “residue” in the Kindergarten or at school. Nevertheless, one should not Dramatize the phenomenon. Before Smartphones, there was a television. The hurt is not all.
What do you think that Silicon Valley want to keep the parents of their children’s increasingly completely of screens?
I don’t think that we should keep children completely away from it. But this is often the simpler solution as an individual solution. Just Gaming can be in families, not a main point of contention. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of conversations, to agree on a sensible consumer. But it’s worth it. Because children in digital media merge, it’s important.
Because you will later use in the school, in the world of work. But the potential and dangers of digital media are close to each other.
How to set the best limits?
The best together with the child. Children know surprisingly well what does you good and what is not. Together, the agreements also binding. It is also helpful if children lead a media diary.
What to do when the child is raging, as soon as you take him to the Tablet?
“Töibele” – screens, especially in small children, is a major attraction. You should explain to the child why it to put the Tablet or Smartphone and what to play as next move will be – in the woods to eat lunch. Verbalize is very important, instead of simply saying that they should rage quit.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 25.04.2019, 18:07 PM