A smogliknande haze over the southern parts of the country from, in principle, Gävle and down.

– It is sand from a sandstorm down in the Sahara for a week ago. Then transported the sand up in the higher atmosphere and brought here by the rapid, strong winds, says Max Elmgren, miljöutredare of the environmental administration of Stockholm city.

is simply extremely small grain of sand to 2.5 micrometers in diameter. The most common source otherwise for particles of this size is the burning of coal. Living cells usually have a size of approximately ten microns in diameter.

– Because the haze is largely made up of fairly small particles which are more hazardous to the health so is the air quality quite poor. So people who have problems with asthma can feel quite a big problem today and need to medicate extra, ” says Max Elmgren.

and cars which tear up the asphalt is larger and then the body can on its own prevent them from causing trouble.

– The less penetrating further into the lungs and are small enough to penetrates the into the bloodstream, ” says Elmgren.

Bakgrundshalterna in Stockholm is five times higher than normal, from ten micrograms per cubic meter to now 50 to 60 micrograms per cubic meter.

confirm that väderkartorna shows that the particles coming from the Sahara. The major movements in the luftsystemen has done to the sand swept north and also hit countries such as Denmark, Germany and Poland.

But the clouds can also have other causes.

It has also moved into a varmfront so that the more humid air come in, ” she says.

To Saharasand swept up is relatively rare and occurs one time per year in the south of Sweden, but more rarely so far north as Stockholm, according to Max Elmgren. The high pollution levels expected to continue and the council for those who are sensitive is to perhaps not give out at a brisk walk.

the next few days. Until it begins to blow from a different direction, it is probably still there but it could go into shock.